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As we arrived at her house, I noticed that it was closer to my job than the foster home which was convenient. Not to mention, it wasn't too far from Avery either. I guess I really was the one with attachment issues; it was never him.

To be honest, I was tired of living in the foster home. Nothing about it seemed like home, at least this house had a cozy feeling. Every new girl and boy that came to the foster home were lucky; the rules and regulations have slowly changed over the years. Not to mention, the bullying has certainly stopped. I wish that could've happened when I was there. You can't have everything you want though.

"This is the living room. Alex, are you even paying attention?" She mumbled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I just stared at her and nodded. I'll be honest, I had no idea what she just asked. I blinked a couple of times before she just shook her head and led me down the hallway.
"This is the kitchen, don't be afraid to take anything." She reassured me as I glanced around.

The kitchen had a dullness yet it came from years of being used. I glanced around the kitchen, knowing that kids grew up happy in this home; the opportunity I had never allowed myself. The light on the ceiling was old and dusty, along with the round, dim white lampshade. The kitchen walls were a creamy, yellow colour and the cabinets were an old brown. On the wall, where the kitchen table was pushed against, there was pictures of her son and husband; Her grandkids and other people I didn't know. I could only assume who the people on the walls were but the son and husband were obvious.

"My son visits every once in awhile, since Robert died" she informed me.
"I wish my parents were dead" I said, not realising that I was thinking out loud. Instead of replying, Liz just gave me a slight smile. Maybe she was okay with the resentment I hold against my parents. "What's your sons name?".
"Micheal" She responded, her smile fading into a frown at the thought of him.
"He doesn't visit much, does he?" I sighed, taking a seat on the creaky old wooden chairs with a soft cushion on the chair.

"It's hard for him, for him to come back here. Him and his father were very close. Very similar hearts" She informed as she stared at the photo of the two of them, which was hanging on the wall next to me.

"Well, I hope you're not looking for that sort of peace anymore because all I bring is chaos" I mumbled with a cheeky, earning a smile from her. Her smile was so warm. You could tell she used to smile much more than she does now by the wrinkles next to her eyes and the deep crevasses next to her cheek.
"That's exactly why I chose you. We both needed someone" she announced before opening her back door, and walking out into the fresh air.

Her garden was full of birds, eating from the seeds in the hanging bird feeder. She also had planted lots of flowers. More specifically roses. It must be her favourite flower. There wasn't only roses, but daffodils and tulips, sitting in these brown clay flower pots. Next to the pots, there was an old wooden bench which had some of the paint scraped away from what I'm assuming was the birds.

Liz just stood still for a moment, taking in the air.

"Alex, do you go to school?" She asked, seeming curious about what I do in my spare time.
"Uh, no" I admitted, leaning against the back of the chair, and shutting my eyes.
"It's important to have an education" She uttered, staring at me from outside.
"I know, but school was never for me." I said, and that was the only explanation I was ever going to give. She didn't push the matter further.

Next thing I knew, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I gazed at Liz who just stared at me, waiting for me to open it.
"I have someone to answer the door for me now" She smiled cheekily before I shook my head and walked out towards the door. I twisted the door handle and opened the door to reveal Avery standing at the door with a hopeful smile.

"Alex!" He cheered once he saw it was me.
"Come on" I pulled him inside, shutting the heavy door behind us.
"I swear I probably knocked on about twelve other doors just to find you" He uttered, slapping his palm to his forehead in embarrassment.
"You could've just asked what the house number was" I laughed, bringing him towards the kitchen.
"That would've been way too easy for me!" Avery laughed in realisation that his trip over here could've been so much easier.
"Trust me, I realised that" I uttered, sitting back down in the same seat.

Avery came to a stop once he saw the frail old woman standing at the back garden door. Avery never spoke to anyone before assessing them first. I wonder how he made the piece of shit friends he has now.

Liz had grey, thinning hair, barely any eyebrows yet she had the warmest smile. She had blue eyes which seemed grey now after all the years. I had no idea what exact she was. She wore a stripy black and white jumper and blue jeans with soft, black boots. Her son looked a lot like her from the pictures.

"Liz, this is my little brother Avery," I announced, introducing them to each other. Liz stood in front of him before holding out her hand. Avery stared questioningly at her. I glared at him before slapping him softly over the back of the head.
"Don't be rude" I warned him. Avery sneered at me while rubbing the back of his head before shaking her hand in response.
"Hi Liz, it's nice to meet you" He uttered shyly, as if Avery wasn't the most outgoing person I knew. He was so full of life, yet around other people he was so quiet, the complete opposite of who he really was. Especially with his friends.

I knew I wouldn't stay with Liz forever, but it'd be nice if she liked Avery and approved of him staying here. After all, he's my brother and he's the only person I've got besides myself.

"It's very nice to meet you Avery, Alex made sure I'd have a room for you if he came with me" Liz smiled reassuringly.
"Did he actually?" Avery seemed shocked that I had even asked.
"Obviously, I wouldn't just leave you behind" I mumbled, stepping out of the house and into the back-garden.
"Like the way I left you behind" He uttered as I glanced back to see his guilty eyes and sad expression.

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