1: arrival

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A/n~ I would just like to say before anyone starts reading their are very serious subjects talked about so this will also be the TW for this story. These subjects talk about abuse, SA, and Rape though it won't go into detail but it will be talked about in past tense.

"Andrea Bash you are proven guilty of arson and attempted murder. You will be sentenced to 22 months at the newly unisex camp green lake since our all female prison is full." He says smacking his gavel in the small wood slab on his desk.

"Thank you sir. At least now I won't have to worry about dropping the soap." I smile as I get escorted out my a guard. Why wasn't my mother or father there. Well moms a nutcase, whack job, crackhead whatever you wanna call it and dads a well I wouldn't know what he is all I know is he's a piece of shit. That's why I've been in foster care from age 13 to 16.

I grab my bag of clothing and my notebook and a few pens to take with me to whatever it's called lake. And am put onto a old school bus with a cop in the front seat.

"So you really decided one day that you wanted to be a cop. What's wrong with you?" I ask him. I mean seriously it's not like that help people like me. Or any of my friends I mean 2 of my friends have gotten killed by police officers just for being darker skinned. I continue pestering him with questions to annoy him which was working based off the eye rolls I was receiving.

My questions soon came to a stop as we started driving through complete nothingness. There was no sign of plants or water or animals besides a few holes. Then those holes doubled then tripled then dirt started flying out of them. What the hell was this place. And where the hell is the lake.

The bus stopped at a village looking thing I wasn't sure what it is but there was no sign of a female anywhere. All guys age 13-18 I should've known.

"Fresh meat" "It's a girl." "What's a girl doing here?" I heard voices say to each other as I grabbed my bag and followed the police officer.

"Where's the lake?" I asked the police and once again he ignored me. Why doesn't this man talk jesus. We both walk into a room where some man was sitting eating a giant bowl of sunflower seeds.

"Sit down." He says pointing to the chair to which I obey and sit across from him.

"What's with the sunflower seeds man?" The police asks. So he can talk. Wow.

"I gave up smoking." He says then looks at me. He then starts giving me a whole lecture then tells me to follow him to some other building where he hands me 2 pairs of ugly orange coveralls that matched every other person here.

"Undress." He says to which I look at him like he's crazy.

"You want your privacy fine." He says turning around pushing the boys face the other direction. I quickly change into the coveralls tying them around my waist since they were to big on me. As I'm putting on the boots he turns back around continuing his lecture to which I don't quite listen too.

"Andrea Bash. I just want you to know you make have down some bad things but that does not make you a bad kid. I respect you Andrea. Welcome to camp green lake, Pendanskis your counsellor." He says attempting to shake my hand which I move away from.

"Don't touch me." I say then face Mr.sir again who has his eyebrow raised with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Give her some towels tokens. Set her up." Mr.sir says walking out of the room with some sort of candy on his hand.

Penanski hands me 2 towels and 7 tokens then he informs me are for the shower. And that we'd get 7 more each week.

"You'll be in D tent. D stands for diligence. That's the mess hall there's the rec room and the showers. There's only one nod because there's only one temperature. Cold." He says pointing each one out.

"I'm not sure I'd need another temperature in this stupid sun." I say and he try's to pat my back but I grab his arm and push it to his side before he could do so. I hated people touching me for reasons I'm not in the mood to share.

"That's the wardens cabin over there. That's the number one rule of camp green lake. Do not upset the warden." He talked like a robot and it made me want to punch that sunscreen of his face.

"Hey mom." A African American boy with large glasses that made his eyes look ginormous says walking over with two other boys. One other African American who was much larger then the other 2. And the other one was cute with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Who's the girl?" The glasses boy asks.

"Andrea meet Rex, Alan, and Theodore." Pendanski says pointing out each boy.

"You sure those are the names they'd want to be called?" I say turning to them but Mom I guess try's to cut them off to which I put my hand in front of his face.

"I'm X-ray and that's squid and that's armpit." X-ray says smirking. I then remove my hand from moms face and he begins talking again making me roll my eyes not listening to a word he's saying.

"C'mon we'll show you the tent." Squid says as I follow them in.

"You can sleep here it's been empty for months." Armpit says as I place my stuff of the cot.

"Yo, we got the girl?" A Hispanic accent says from the door. I turn around and give a smile to them before taking the stuff out of my bag.

"I'm magnet. This is zig zag." The Hispanic boy says pointing to himself then the tall blonde blue eyed not to mention gorgeous boy beside him who just looks at me with wide eyes and follows magnet. Weird.

"Andrea." I say and they both walk to there cots.

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