13: something nice

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We were once again in line for water and lunch. X-ray had moved me up in front of Stanley in line. I watched as X-ray filled his canteen then threw the lipstick into the dirt.

"Good morning Theodore." Mom says It was probably around 10:45 but I mean we get woken up at 4:30 and start digging at 5:30 so 5 hours and 15 minutes is what takes most of us to get down to 3 feet deep and 5 wide.

"Man it's Armpit. I don't know no fool named Theodore alright" Armpit says to mom as he fills up Armpits canteen.

"I don't know no fool named Armpit. There's your water whoever you are" mom says handing Armpit his canteen before hearing X-ray yell for him.

"Mom! I think I found something. Come here for a second I think I found something. Looks like a gd bullet or something. Doesn't it?" X-ray says holding the lipstick that they all still thought was a bullet even though I showed them it wasn't. Mom walks over and grabs the tube from X-rays hand and examines it.

"It's nice right. So I get the day off right?" X-ray says. I couldn't help but feel bad for Stanley who stood watching with his hands on his head. I mean he did find that anyone in his shoes would be upset.

"You just might. We're gonna call the Warden. Hey Lou you better get down here. I think we got something." Mom says into the walkie-talkie.

"We got something nice." X-ray says. I just wanted to dog my hole. Not wait for the Warden to get here wasting more digging time.

"We got something nice." Mom copy's into the walkie talkie. Eventually he got back to filling up our canteens and we all got back to digging except for X-ray who sat there with an annoying smirk on his face.

Sooner then expected the Wardens car comes rolling in as she steps out walking towards mom taking the bullet from his hands examining it closely. She then walks over to X-rays hole as he looks scared shitless making me smile to myself.

"This where you found it?" She asks looking down at X-ray.

"Yes ma'am." He says stuttering slightly.

"Dr. Pendanski, drive X-ray back to camp. Give him double shower tokens and a snack. But first fill everyone's canteen." She says the last bit to everyone I think expecting some sort of applause.

"I already filled them." Mom answers with a huge proud smile.

"Excuse me?" Warden asks.

"I had already filled them when you drove up in the car." Mom says explaining himself

"Excuse me? Did I ask you when you last filled them?" The warden asks putting her sunglasses back onto her face as she walks closer to mom.

"No you didn't but..." mom starts.

"Excuse me? Now these fine boys have been working hard. Don't you think it just might be possible they have taken a drink since you filled their canteen." The Warden says as she walks around mom.

"It's possible." Mom says as Mr. Sir starts dancing around I think. I'm not really sure what he was doing but he was laughing. I think?

"oh it's possible is it? Caveman! Come over here please." The Warden says oddly picking Caveman out of everyone. Maybe she knew?

"Go on boy Go on." Mr.Sir says trying to get some sort of authority in this confrontation.

"Did you by any chance take a drink since he filled your canteen?" The Warden asks Caveman.

"Oh no I'll be fine I have plenty." Man this kid was not the brightest. Everyone here knows when you get offered water you take it straight up especially since mom only fills it 3/4 full.

"Excuse me?" I love when she says excuse me. It's such a polite thing but she makes it so intimidating.

"I might've uh drinken some." Caveman says stuttering on his words.

"Thank you. May I have your canteen please?" The Warden asks. Caveman then hands it too her and she walks to mom shaking the not even closely filled canteen.

"Can you hear the empty spaces?" She asks mom who looks like he's going to pass out.

"Yes I can hear." Mom says looking away from The Warden.

"Fill it. If that's too much trouble you can grab a shovel and Caveman can fill the canteens." She says pushing the Canteen into moms chest.

"Armpit Squid! Grab the wheelbarrows." Mr.Sir yells as they both jump from their holes.

"Zero you take over X-rays hole. Caveman will assist you. We're gonna dig this dirt twice." The warden yells as everyone starts scrambling.

"Y'all be good now ya hear." X-ray says as mom and him drive off back to camp.

"Get C and F over here!" Mr. Sir yells copying the Warden. We all start digging 5 feet deep around X-rays hole making large passage ways. The warden and Mr.Sir yelled things like don't rush and steaks for dinner tonight. That definitely wasn't true. I hated digging all together this way we had to go all at the same time 25 minutes before the rec room bell not just when you finished your hole. So much extra work.

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