12: KB

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The next morning I woke up not to the horns but to the arm layed across my waist and the head in my neck as his light snores filled my ears. Then of course the horns sounded waking everyone up causing us all to groan.

"This is gonna be a good day." Zigzag says smiling as he kisses me quickly then gets up from my cot walking to grab his orange jumpsuit.

"One day and I'm sick of this already." X-ray said rolling his eyes. Zigzag had told him I didn't lie and slightly explained the situation so he kinda apologized and we were good now. So that was just him X-ray being X-ray.

"I ain't sick of it. My lovebirds are all grown up." Squid says putting his hands over his heart dramatically as I hit him in the head with my pillow pulling on my jumpsuit. I started changing from pjs to my jumpsuit in front of them being more comfortable.

"Cmon the tortillas are gonna be gone soon." Armpit says as we all leave the tent starting off the day like every other day. I was sat in Zigzags hole finishing the last of my sandwich when squid pointed out a small cloud in the distance.

"Maybe it'll move in front of the sun" Zigzag says resting his head on my chest as I run my fingers threw his hair.

"Cmon little cloud you can do it." Magnet says making me giggle as he encourages the cloud.

"Please that's all I'm asking for is just a little shade." Armpit days joining the boys talking to the cloud that in no way was moving in front of the sun.

"Warden owns the shade man." Caveman chips in as he throws some beehive shaped rock on the side of his hole.

"Maybe we'll get lucky. Maybe we'll get some clouds. It will rain 40 days and 40 nights." Zigzag says. Oh god I wish, we all needed some rain in our lives.

"Yeah and we'll have to build an ark and get 2 of each animal." Armpit adds making me laugh as I turn towards zigzag who smiles at me.

"God it's too hot for you to lay on me." I say pushing his head off but he just rolls his eyes and flops back on top of me. He smiles and kisses me quickly then once I look to see if anyone else was looking I kiss him back until neither of us cared of anyone was looking and kept kissing.

We were in that honeymoon stage of a relationship. Y'know when you can't get enough of each other. PDA wasn't something I usually didn't enjoy but any time I'd get the chance to kiss Zigzag I would.

"Hey X I think I found something." I heard Caveman say so I pull away from Zigzag and look but he moves my face to look back at his.

"He's dumb there ain't nothing out here." He says kissing me again smiling into the kiss. God help me.

"They're too busy eating eachother right now." Magnet says and this time I got off Zigzag before he could pull me back and so he followed me.

"Have fun over there?" Squid asks smirking to which I roll my eyes.

"Y'know it." Zigzag reply's making me roll my eyes a second time as we both sit by the boys at Caveman's hole.

"Look at this. You see that little heart? Which the letters in it right there? KB that's what it is." Caveman says pointing to the extremely old gold tube. The boys thought it was a shotgun shell so I decided to let them have their fun knowing it was lipstick I'd save that for when they were done with their excitement.

"Let me see that?" Zigzag says as Caveman hands it too him.

"Oh yeah that's Keith Berenger." He says making me roll my eyes for the hundredth time today. My eyes might actually get stuck like that being around these boys stupidity.

"Who's that?" The boys ask Zigzag.

"He was in my math class" He says making the boys and I laugh.

"Good thinking Zigzag it must belong to him huh?" Magnet says sarcastically as I just smile at the conversation.

"Boys it's a lipstick tube. It must've belonged to someone from the old town." I say grabbing it from X-rays hand and open it as red speckles of lipstick fall to the ground. They all look at and pretend like they already knew that as I rolled my eyes, put the cap back on and gave it back to X-ray who had it last.

"Well I'm going to show it too mom maybe I'll get the rest of the day off." X-ray says making me feel a bit bad for caveman but I mean they made a deal.

"Rest of the day off? No no. Your holes already dug I'm not even close I'm going to be here all day." Yikes he really thought it would be smart to stand up to X-ray.

"Yeah so?" X-ray asks walking towards Caveman intimately.

"So uh why don't you just turn it in tomorrow give it to mom in the morning that way you'll get the whole day off." Caveman says nervously saving himself from a beating.

"That's good thinking Caveman. I like it." X-ray says patting Caveman's chest as Squid does the same and they hop out of Caveman's hole into their own as we all do the same.

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