15: game night

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The second day of digging all together rolled by rather slowly and just like yesterday we were being pestered by moms stupid ancient facts.

"Glad to have you back X-ray we could use your sharp eyes." The warden says as her and mr.sir walk through the small tunnels we had dug.

"Ma'am I think I found something." Armpit says pushing X-ray over as he holds out a kitchen timer.

"Are you trying to be funny or do you just think I'm stupid?" The warden asks holding out the timer.

"No ma'am I-I wasn't trying to be funny." He says and the warden takes it as he's calling her stupid.

"Excuse me?" She says for the 10th time today.

"Well Armpit your little joke just cost you a week of shower privileges." Mr.Sir says causing us all to groan at the soon to be smell of a sweaty unshowered Armpit.

"All right everyone back to work." The Warden calls out as we all turn away from the Warden.

"Man you sleeping outside." Squid says pointing a finger at Armpit.

"That's not even a punishment for Armpit it's a punishment for us." I say shaking my head as I drive my shovel through the dirt.

2 more days of shovelling together had past and I was hoping the warden was giving up by now.

"Four days and this is all you jackasses have to show for it." Warden says as she walks above us angrily. Mom and Mr.sir start talking about nothing being down here and crazy pills but I'm not sure if they thought everyone including the warden could hear them.

" if you can't get them to dig any faster you can grab a shovel and join em." She yells which get mr. Sir moving.

"Get to work! This ain't no kindergarteners in the sandbox. I want to see some effort here or I'll put a hurt on you. I ain't just whistling bye bye sue either" I never really understood mr.sirs analogy's.

~time skip

After supper Mr.Sir gathered us all outside the mess hall. I should be showering right now but no we have some stupid meeting to attend.

"Listen up. After the behavior exhibited the past few days the warden and I have decided that your character building be best served by returning to the digging of individual holes." Mr. Sir says as the boys moan and groan. Mr. Sir then walks away leaving mom to yell at us to go to our tents which most of us did until Mr.Sirs lights turned off then we went to C tent.

There was some game night that they did once a month. I had gone once but didn't play anything mostly because I didn't know how. C, F and our tent knew or were aloud to come. Nobody really liked the other tents they were all kinda assholes.

"Yo Loon you know how to play bullshit?" The dark boy with curly ginger hair named red says waving me over.

"Yeah." I say before I feel Zigzags arm wrap around my waist as he walks over to the cot they were playing on. We both sat down with Red and the other 3 boys that were already there.

"Alright 2 shower tokens in the pile c'mon." Red says as everyone puts 2 in them looks at me.

"She doesn't get tokens." Zigzag says smirking at me causing me to roll my eyes.

"I shower in the wardens cabin no use for tokens so they don't give me any." I say shrugging and they all look at me mouths slightly agape.

"Pretty privilege." Red says winking at as he deals the cards out. I hear Zigzag breath heavily as he lays his hand on my thigh. Red deals all the cards and we start playing. After a good 25 minutes I had 3 cards left in the pile. All 7's. I had managed to figure out what numbers I would be getting each turn so I would save up each number for when it would be that turn. I put the 3 7's down and called it.

"That's bullshit." Zigzag says smiling cockily thinking I would have to pick the cards up. I nod towards the cards and his smile drops. He lifts up the three cards I had put down to reveal all 7's. The 5 boys all groaned and threw there heads back

"How the hell did you pull that off?" One of the boys asks.

"Well none of you know how to hide your cards." I say grabbing all of the shower tokens from the boys and standing up.

"What are you gonna do with those now doll?" Red asks as I notice Zigzag turn his stare over to him.

"I'm not sure. I'll go bet them on poker and watch Xrays face when he looses." And I did just that. I had won 36 tokens by counting cards. My mom had taught me before she started drinking. I think all the boys thought I was going to loose because I didn't come off as a smart person but little did they know I guess. We had eventually got caught by Mr.Sir and had to go back to our tent.

"What are you gonna do with the tokens Chica?" Magnet asks and I shrug.

"I don't need em. Do you guys want em?" I ask and they all stand to there feet saying yes as they rush over to me. I hand out a even amount to every boy but Zero who was laying on his cot already. I drop his coins on the small  box beside his bed as he turned to me and smiled lightly. I smiled back and laid in my cot like everyone else in the tent.

"Goodnight boys."

"Goodnight Loon." I hear mainly plus the nicknames others had given me.

Loon ~ Zigzag [holes fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now