2: mess hall

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"And this is zero. Y'know why we call him zero? Cuz there's nothing going on in his stupid little head." Mom says shaking zeros head.

"You sure you ain't talking about yourself there mom?" I say making some of the boys snicker.

"Did you tell her about the lizards." Zigzag says.

"What didn't he tell me. The man doesn't shut up. Surprised I haven't heard about his sex life yet." I say to him then turning to mom smirking who slightly glares at me as more boys snicker.

"Andrea if you have any questions ask Zigzag." He says as he leaves the tent.

"Where do you fill the canteens up?" I ask and Zigzaf tells me the directions to which I follow and fill it up walking back to to tent. Once I start walking back to the tent I see Armpit, Zigzag, Squid, and magnet standing at the door looking at me.

"I know I'm pretty boys doesn't mean you have to stare." I say walking through them all and laying down on my cot taking my notebook out and start writing about the day so far usually I do it at night but what else was there supposed to do.

I guess I was too focused on my writing to notice the lunch bell so I was interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face. I look up to see zigzag who then stands up looking at em awkwardly.

"You missed the free time bell Cmon." He says pulling me up from the cot but for some reason I didn't quite mind him grabbing my hand.

"Oh thanks." I say as we both behind to walk towards the rec room. I just sat their watching the tv beside Zigzag as boys kept coming up to me but I would ignore every word.

Then the super bell rings and I follow Zigzag to the mess hall. He gets his food long before I did as boys start butting in front of me. I was gonna say something but I'll push buttons tomorrow not today. Once I finally get my food if it should be called that I start to walk around looking for a spot when I get waved down by Zigzag.

"Andrea come sit girly." He says moving over as I squeeze between him and magnet.

"Hey girl. See you didn't dig today so you wouldn't mind giving up your bread." He says grabbing it from my plate to which I grab back.

"First of all X-ray since your so adamant about using correct name use mine. And the breads the only edible thing on this plate so I'll be eating it thank you." I say to which the boys oooh at and X-ray glares at me. Guess I'm already made someone's bad side. I mean what's new though.

"So what they get you for?" Squid asks me.

"Lit my foster parents apartment on fire." I say smiling at there reactions. They all shocked looks on there faces but Zigzags eyes were wider then usual and he had a smile on his face.

"Your joking right?" Armpit says too me.

"Nah. They weren't nice people, hit me a bunch." I say shrugging as I eat a piece of my bread. The boys looked impressed as they began talking about whatever they talk about. I sat there trying to scarf down the slop that was sitting on my plate.

Once we had gotten back to the tent I noticed there wasn't anyone at the showers so I went. I was just glad I packed a bathing suit since I thought it was a good damn lake. Once I had rinsed the soap off my body the door opened revealing a boy I hadn't seen before.

"You are even more hot now. Y'know this is a pretty cold shower I can warm you up." He says as he takes off all of his clothing then his underwear walking close to me

"Get out of here you creep." I say but before I could push him out he pinned me to the wall. I did what any girl would do in the situation I punched him in the jaw and he fell back against the wall. I quickly threw on my shirt and ran out grabbing his clothes as well. He then jumped out of the shower naked and ran after me.

"Boys! boys! Come see this!" I heard that recognizable Texas accent say and I see all of the D tent boys run out.

"Give those back you bitch!" The boys yells.

"Looks like you've got an audience now!" I tell back at him pointing at the boys from all tents looking at him and laughing as he covers himself and runs to his tent. I then throw the wet clothes on the dirt in front of the A tent he went into and walked back to the D tent.

"You boys like the show?" I asked the boys that were already in hysterics.

"Forget about the bread stuff man. That was great." X-ray says patting my back laughing still. I smile and walk to my cot grabbing a large white t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts and walk to a little crook to change behind it to not be seen. Once I walk out I see all of the boys staring at me sitting in there cots.

"What?" I ask them all.

"What do you mean what? Let's hear what happened." Barfbag says and so I told them the story. I now think it's safe to say I liked the boys more then I've liked anyone on a long long time.

"Goodnight boys."

"Goodnight Loon" They all say back making me smile. I liked the new nickname it was short for lunatic but whatever. Zigzag said it was because a loon was a real pretty bird which the boys teased the hell out of him for. I guess I kinda liked being a part of something.

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