9: therapy

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Another day of digging rolled around on everyone's favourite say Wednesday group therapy day. Just has the sun hit its hottest peak at 12:30 the water truck comes driving on in.

"Line up fishies come get your lake water. You get it? Lake water it's a joke." Mr. Sir says trying to be funny but like usual nobody understands his excuse for a joke.

"You're here now Caveman." X-ray says pulling poor Zero once again to the back of the line as he moves caveman up.

"Man when are you gonna move up?" Magnet says making me giggle

"He'll move me up before you Magnet." I say as X-ray agrees as Magnet shoves me.

~skip to therapy

We all sat in the mess hall an hour after our showers wasting our valuable sleeping hours. I had sat beside Zigzag and X-ray we all had our specific seating arrangements. To be honest I think X-ray has OCD everything always has to be done the same way every time.

"What's with the hair Zig?" X-ray asks pointing out Zigzags extra crazy hair.

"We made a deal that she can style my hair if I get to read one page of her notebook." He says as if reading about one of my days was an accomplishment.

"Hey I wanted to make him look like Albert Einstein." I say in complete honesty I mean he has the hair for it so why not.

"It's cute." I say smiling at him before turning to the boys and shacking my head no. I then feel him smack the back of my head as the boys chuckle.

"Hello boys. And girl." Mom says walking in making everyone groan and throw their heads back.

"Let's start this off with you José what do you like?" Mom says sitting down in his chair.

"I like animals." Magnet says with a big smile on his face.

"That's what got Magnet in here in the first place." X-ray says making the boys laugh.

"Man it's criminal the way they keep them locked up in cages." Magnet says making complete sense it was literal animal abuse.

"No Jose what you did was criminal." Mom says trying to blame the person once again.

"No tell em magnet. They wanted 1000 bucks for just one puppy." Squid says patting Magnet on the chest.

"I would've made it out of my pocket didn't start barking." Magnet says making everyone start laughing even Zero broke a smile.

"You guys get one life and so far you've done a pretty good job at screwing it up. So Caveman you're a big shot now got a nickname. Well let me tell you something Caveman. You are here on account of one person. You know who that person is?" Mom says like usual picking on one individual person who didn't even start anything.

"Yeah. My no good, dirty rotten, pig stealing, great great grandfather that's who." Stanley says making everyone laugh once again.

"Don't listen to mom man he's got no idea what he's talking about." I say patting Caveman's back then turning to Mom with a smile on my face.

"Andrea Bash you think you're better then everyone huh? Why are you here?" Mom says eyeing me angrily for making fun of him.

"You should know you read my file." I say rolling my eyes as I lean against the table behind me.

"Do the boys know why you're here?" He asks as the boys start quieting down.

"Yes sir I told them when I got here." I say nodding my head being more polite to the man so he wouldn't say what actually caused me to light the apartment on fire.

"Do they know the real reason why you lit that house on fire?" He says smirking as he grabs my file looking at my reasoning for why I did it. I stay silent and look down feeling the all the boys gazes on me.

"Should I tell them? Andrea. About your foster father?" He says mockingly as if it was a joke to him.

"Shut up! You don't speak a word about my private information!" I say standing up furiously.

"He doesn't sound like a very nice man by the way he tou-" he starts before I push him over and run out of the mess hall not wanting to hear him tell the boys.

I sat in my cot with my head in my lap dreading the moment the boys walk in knowing my deepest secret. Then the boys start walking in with mom behind them.

"Andrea I overstepped I apologize. I want an apology from you for pushing me. See boys always communicate when you're wrong." Mom says as boys start sitting on their cots looking at me.

"Oh suck my dick." I say throwing the price of fabric we called a door in his face as I storm back to my bed and lay in it hearing his footsteps.

"I hope you know Loon. We don't like liars in D tent." X-ray says but I didn't bother looking at any of them I just threw my sleeping bag over my head ignoring the boys talking as I felt tears stream down my face.

I made sure not to make a noise I'm pretty sure the boys disliked me now for "lying" to them when I didn't. I just left out a fraction of the truth.

"Hey Loon?" I hear a whisper from beside me so I rub the tears from my face and look out fork under the blanket to see zero there.

"U okay?" He whispers again to which I just nod.

"I know you didn't lie." He says making me smile slightly as I come out from the blanket and hug him tightly. He hugged me back quickly then pulled away walking back to his cot and facing away from everyone as I do the same.

"No goodnight boys?" I hear Squid ask I thought jokingly but when I looked out from my blanket he was serious and everyone but X-ray was looking at me as if they wanted me to say it.

I don't say anything and I just hide myself under my blanket and fall asleep with tear stained cheeks. The only people I considered family thought I was lying to them which was something we never did in D tent like X-ray said.

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