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"I don't mind being ogled, ridiculed,
Made to feel minuscule.
If you consider the source, it's kinda pitiful.
The only thing you really know about me is...
That's all you'll ever know!"
Slipknot – My Plague

That's all you'll ever know!"Slipknot – My Plague

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"Lily!" called James Potter.

Lily was watching the rain fall. It was Hallowe'en, something that her daughter, Kerria, seemed to enjoy, despite her being one-year-old and to young to understand. She wondered how Kerria would take to Christmas.

"Lily!" James called again. This time there was the sound of a baby crying.

Lily turned around to see Kerria reaching out for James and crying. James was trying to hold the wailing baby at arms length. "What happened?"

"Kerria won't stop clinging to me," said James. "She's accidentally knocking my glasses off."

He held Kerria closer to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck, accidentally head-butting James's glasses loose again.

"She really loves you," said Lily.

"I don't think that's it," replied James. He managed to unhook Kerria's arms and held her out again, causing her to cry again.

Harry came over, dragging a black stuffed dog by its tail, and held it out to Kerria. Somehow the dog swung over and smacked Kerria in the head, causing her to cry again.

Lily walked over and took Kerria from James. She held Kerria close and Kerria clung to her mother's neck. She managed to calm down.

"I think she's tired," said Lily. "She hasn't been sleeping well lately."

It was rather odd, considering that Kerria normally slept through the night, except for the week, Kerria had been waking up screaming and crying. Lily was sure that if she wasn't in hiding from Voldmort, she would send out owls to see if it was normal for babies to have nightmare spells like that. Harry didn't seem to have nightmares that were constant like Kerria's.

James nodded, "I know."

"I think it's time for Kerry to have a bath and I'll put her to bed. You're putting Harry to sleep," said Lily. She looked and noticed that Harry had fallen asleep on the ground.

"I guess Kerry's nightmares have kept him up, too," joked James. He gently picked up Harry and went to take him to Harry's crib upstairs.

Lily went to the bathroom to run Kerria a bath. She poured in some rose bubble bath in the tub and took off Kerria's pumpkin costume, leaving the baby looking disgruntled at what happened. Kerria's eyes were red-rimmed from crying and lack of sleep.

"Don't look at me like that, Kerry," Lily gently reprimanded as she picked up Kerria and stuck in the bath.

Kerry babbled something at Lily that sounded like Kerria chewing her mother out in baby.

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