09: First Day of School

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Kerria was awoken by Misty flicking her tail in Kerria's face to get her to wake up. It wasn't the worst way to wake up. Her mind kept replaying Aunt Petunia's rude awakenings. Once, Dudley dumped a bucket of water on her.

She grudgingly got out of bed and got changed in her school uniform. On her trunk, someone had replaced the black ties with red-and-gold striped ties. She put one of those one and gathered up the text books and stuck them in her messenger bag. She stuck the Brady and Hindley book in there to read during.

"You're up early," said a voice.

Kerria turned to see that it was Charlotte. She nodded, "Yeah. Misty woke me up." She pointed at Misty, who was now stretched out on the bed, sleeping. "You're up early too."

Charlotte shrugged, "Force of habit."

"Same," replied Kerria, thinking of her aunt and how glad she was that she and Harry got out of Privet Drive.

She looked around and found her uniform on her trunk, with red-and-gold striped ties laid out too. Her robes now bore the Gryffindor emblem.

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" asked Charlotte.

Kerria shook her head, "No, go ahead." She had to wait for Harry anyway. She went down to the common room after gathering her books in her bag, including Helter Skelter, since she wasn't done reading it. She noticed, who she was sure was, Neville Longbottom, and Keagan standing by a corkboard. She went to them.

"What's on the board?" Kerria asked.

"The map to Hogwarts," said Keagan. "I'm trying to memorise it."

Kerria walked up to the corkboard, standing besides the blond haired boy. She realised that she was basically the same height as Keagan. She was only 5'3.

She looked at Neville who looked terrified. "Is everything all right?"

"Yes, Kerria," said Neville. "I'm worried that I'll forget where the classrooms are."

Keagan just smiled softly at Neville, "Don't worry, Neville. You can follow me. Let's go."

They started to leave through the portrait entrance together, before Kerria called, "Hey, wait. Is Harry awake?"

"Yeah, he was getting ready," said Keagan, and the two left.

Kerria waited as Hermione walked in, "Hello Hermione."

"Hello Kerria," said Hermione, before she examined the map of Hogwarts and left the common room.

Kerria looked at the map some more until finally Rhiannon and Charlotte walked down the staircase.

"Let's go," said Rhiannon, looking at the map of Hogwarts. "I'm hungry. I think I might die of starvation."

"I'm waiting for Harry," replied Kerria.

"I think he'll be a while," said Charlotte. "Besides, I'm hungry too."

Kerria allowed the two girls to drag her out of the common room and down to the Great Hall.

        Kerria allowed  the two girls to drag her out of the common room and down to the Great Hall

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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