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The night is defined by equilibrium and harmony.

It's so quiet that you think you can hear your rhythmic breathing.

Next to you, Shachi and Penguin, silently. You follow them. Trusting, without questioning.

"Do you want to go with us?" In thought, Chi's innocent question, followed by Peng's.

"Spend the night with us?"

It is not the first time. You have often slept together, been alone with them, just the three of you.

And yet something is different, feels unknown to you. An atmosphere you don't know how to interpret. More intense. More... intimate?

Is it because you shared lip-warmth? Kisses of the soul, remaining inside you.

With O-Chi and Pengorou you feel safe, brave and valued.

You feel more you. Recognize your self, which you slowly find, develop individuality, learn independence.

Learning to live.

A small smile finds your lips.

"It suits you." Penguin, clearing his throat softly, "...smiling," he mutters.

Shachi's joyful voice followed. "It makes you even prettier!" He beams charmingly, chuckling at your embarrassment.

Seriousness flickering in Chi's honey-soft eyes, his vocal tone protective.

"We'll make sure no one takes it away from you again. Your smile shall become even brighter!"

Even brighter? The corners of your mouth are already at their limit with that little lift, the happy-facial expression so unfamiliar to you. How sad. In all these years, you have forgotten how to smile - truly and honestly - you have to find it again.

Peng nudges you lightly with his elbow.

"What Chi means is; smile all you want. No one forbids you but yourself."

Shachi looks at him, startled. "Oooh, you can be poetic!"

"Jerk," Peng playfully ruffles Chi's hair, which turns into a small scuffle.

Their interaction with each other so light-hearted, bringing the familiar feeling of well-being in you.

They do not behave differently, which reassures you. Is it you who is different?

How quickly did you get used to them that you already notice a difference? It's strange.

There is still a spark of fear of change in you. But trust gives you strength.

Trust... in yourself.

Shachi and Penguin makes you feel that you are right. They give you the time to become stronger, to become you.

It takes the pressure off yourself. To be better. Not perfect - just to be a better you.

You are grateful to them for this. You still wonder what you did to deserve this.

You want to do your best to be good for them.

Want to give more - more than you have so far. But how?

Lily Light (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now