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Jay/Jongseong/Mr.Park ><

Faster idiot, I'm waiting.

Sorry! I'm coming!

Haneul checks herself again on the mirror one last time, putting on perfume on her neck before dashing to the door. Lately, she's always been so late because she's scared she'll not look good in front of people.

Haneul grabs her purse and heels, running to the stairs hurriedly. She reaches the ground, eyes busy searching for him only to realize he's right in front of her.

"Woah, woah, why are you running so much?" Jay straighten his back from leaning from his car, scared that she might fall.

As usual, the cigarette is between his mouth, blowing the fumes into the air. She looks up to him, scrunching her nose since she's still not used to the smell of cigarettes.

"You're smoking again... Near me." she complains.

Jay let out a sigh, throwing the cigarette on the ground before stepping on it to stop the fire. Haneul slowly smiles, feeling satisfied that he follows her wish.

He walks closer to her, examining from top to bottom. His hands are in his pocket with his usual emotionless expression planted on his face making her stunned.

"You expose your tattoo." Jay looks at the tattoo right below her collarbone, before looking at her in the eyes again.

She's wearing a grey-colored slip dress, a mid-length until it reaches her thigh with a spaghetti strap exposing all of the tattoos on her chest.

Her hands move to her tattoo, caressing it before showing him a sheepish smile.


"Who are you gonna impress it to?" he teased.

She rolled her eyes, "Anyone I've made eye contact with, I'll show it to every single human there." she replies sarcastically earning a small chuckle from him.

Haneul diverts her eyes to his outfit, he's wearing the clothes she picks earlier that day and tops it off with a jacket. His hair is pushed back, with some strands hanging in front.

He's so...


"You never wear earrings." his eyes move to the earrings dangling to her ears.

"Right... I just wear it on special occasions."

"It suits you, wear it more often." he comments one last time before walking to his car. She stands there looking at the back of his head, lost at words.

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