the beginning. part 1

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hello!  this part actually takes place in the end. it will be explained later, maybe.

also, by the way 0000 is the name of my charachter and its pronounced zero.

trigger warning: abuse?    murder, saddness, swearing(maybe), homophobia, transphobia

anyways, please enjoy.


i was sitting on the steps with my sister, i was about 5 maybe 4 at the time. i had a blackeye from being puched in the face from my dad. "wow, they really dont exept me." i said quietly, as if speaking was forbidden. 

"dont say that! they were just overwhelemed!" my sibling whisper/yelled, knowing that what i said was true.

"-this name has been removed from memorie-, you KNOW im right. they dont accept the fact that im agender. i dont think that will change. you heard them! they are gonna give me to......  you know who." i said the last part as if 'you know who' could hear me. 

my mother yelled for the two of us to come to the living room. i was kinda scared. we slowly walked towards the living room, me in front of my sibling, protecting her, sort of. when we got to the doorway to the room, i saw my mother, father, and..... two... guards... 

"i SAID, come here." my mother said, quite threatingly.

"stay behind me" i whispered to my sibling. i wanted to protect my sibling

me and my sibling continued to slowly walk towards the others. we soon stood in front of the four addults (yaaayyy tiny person can do math) . the two guards took a step forwards, then went to grab my arm. obviously my fight or flight response kicked in, so i hit the guards arm away, the turned to my sibling.,

"-name has been removed-! run!" i said pushing her to the door. the guards chased after me and my sibling. i purpisfully knocked over a lamp, books, coat hanger, anything i could to delay the guards. me and my sibling made it outside, and ran as fast we could to the portel to the 'over end' to get to the market. we reached the portel, but as soon as my sibling went into the portel, i got hit with a arrow, i screeched in pain, and fell into the galaxie, like pond that was the portel. a couple seconds in pitch darkness, then to the other side. the 'over end'.

my sibling screamed as soon as she saw the arrow stuck in my side. i stood up, grabbed my siblings arm, and ran as fast as i could, sometimes telleporting. i was young so i couldnt teleport to far yet. my vision kept getting blocked by the void-like particles that appeared when i teleport. i soon realised, that it wasnt only the particals clouding my vision, it was also me slowly passing out from the pain of the arrow. 

we reached the giant medeival-like market was located. i let go of my sibling's arm as i got hit with another arrow. the guards were getting close. to close. i needed to get away, and fast. i would not be able to keep running. my sibling noticed that i stopped running. my sibling looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"please dont leave me. i cant lose you." my sibling said barely holding back sobs.

"you wont lose me. i will find you. we will see each other again." i replied, knowing the guards were close. but still about two minutes away.

i dont know what i was thinking at that moment, but i knew i had to comfort my sibling somehow. so i started to.. sing? i dont know why. but i did.  my sibling calmed down. i looked at her

"run. please."i said. i knew she would protest, but i just said "run" again. she then listened.  she ran. 

the guards finnaly cought up. they both stood, looking at me sitting on the ground, blood coming from the wounds on my leg and side. 

"finnally. your coming with us you little brat."

end of flashback

(years later)

i snapped out of my daydream.. or.. flashback? i think its that. i looked up to see.. a forest, hills, flowers, and just overall a beautifull erray of life. the only odd thing about my surroundings, was.... well.. walls. and... dead bodies.. yeah this was no ordinary place. this was the entrance test room. the room that  new people to the 'A.B.Y.S.S' program. the test? its trying to kill, well... me. the origonal soldier. the living weapon. the broken one. or, as most people know me...



i did it. i completed the first chapter. 

be prepared for more of the adventures with 0000. 

please at least try to eat some food, drink some water, and get some sleep.

goodbye and goodnight my gremlins. 

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