Untitled Part 4

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hello! welcome back to the serious book with random legend of zelda memes! 

anyways, this chapter is 1450 words (at first i typed pages intead of words. dont ask me how.)

trigger warnings: swearing, abuse, not good thoughts, and more.

anyways, please enjoy!

I stand perfectly still, staring at the ground. I should move. The guard and the enderling aren't even in the arena anymore. Walk. go to your room. Move. walk.JUST GO ALREADY. You're just a weapon. You should not be alive. Just die already. The voices that live in my head continue yelling at me, making it even more difficult to hear. Why is it affecting my hearing? Oh well. My eyes detached from the ground, as I looked up. I walk out of the arena and to my room. No one even goes near there. MONSTER. I walk up the seemingly endless stairs.

I turn the corner at the top of the stairs, only to see the two guards from earlier. Why are they in my room? I walk down the hall. I stand, towering over the guards, who were actually pretty short for enderlings.

They notice my presence, and turn around. I stare directly into their eyes, with a look of hatred, and anger. One of the guards sigh

"0015 ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⏚⟒ ⌇⏁⏃⊬⟟⋏☌ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⊬⍜⎍." the shorter guard says. (translation: 0015 will be staying with you)

Greaaaat.. I won't be alone now.

I turn back to go to the top of the stairs, then turn right, where a closet is. I grab an extra blanket, then slam the closet door. I sigh, trying to be less mad. Why are you even mad? You failed your job, maybe that's why. Your useless ya know? Everyone hates you. Why are you still alive? You could end your life right now, but you won't, you're too weak. I look to the ground for the millionth time. Maybe I shouldn't be alive. I shake my head, trying to get rid of any emotions that might be shown on my face. I walk back to my room, the guards were gone. How did they get past me without me noticing?

I enter my room. The enderling, who is now called 0015, looked up, as I stepped through the doorway. I looked back at them. What are their pronouns? I'll ask later. Probably just gonna use they/them until then. As I look at them, my mind begins to run miles a minute. How did they even survive? What training will they go through? Why did I save them? Why couldn't i just leave them? Why do I feel like I need to protect them? They are different. Also, the most important question I SHOULD be asking is, WHY COULDN'T THEY GET THEIR OWN ROOM!? THERE ARE SO MANY IN THIS PLACE? Now I have to be 'social'. Eh, I'm just gonna not talk. Do they even speak any of the languages I do? Oh no, they speak English, don't they? I'm a complete shit at english! I tell my brain to shut up, as I put the blanket on the mattress that is now in the middle of my room. There needs to be a better spot for that, it just ruins the look of the room! I look back at 0015, then teleport over to the circular window, sitting on the windowsill, gazing upon the land outside. The silence slowly becomes slightly awkward, but also... calming?

After a while, I noticed I kind of detached my brain from reality. It was now night. I looked over to 0015, to see that they were asleep. I teleport next to my desk, grab my sketchbook and a pen, then teleport back to the window. What the fuck should i draw? Also, why do I swear so much while thinking? Im 9 years old for fucks sake! Shit- I did it again. Wait no! Stop swearing! I shake my head once again and look back at the sleeping enderling. I could draw them.

The only thing that could be heard in my quiet room, is the sound of my pen scratching paper, as I draw the calm enderling. As soon as I finish the drawing, the voices get louder again. Well shit, why can't I just have one night where you guys are quiet? Just ONE. I sigh as I rip the page out of my sketchbook, and put the page and my sketchbook on my desk. I grab the book I'm currently reading. It's about End mythology. I read for I don't even know how long.

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