an arrow for a memorie. part 5

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heyyyy so i wrote this months and months ago, just finnally continueing this book

I walk through the maze of hallways, turning at certain points. I finally made it to a very tall door. I breathe in, as I push the double door open. I step into the room with non-existent confidence, and make my way to a table of assorted weapons. I grab a couple throwing knives, pick them up, as well as an axe, the blade made out of a substance that only ender beings have thought of making armor and weapons out of. Aka a mixture of end stone, absidien, and bedrock. I keep throwing knives in one hand and put the axe in the axe holding thing i have on my back.. I forgot what it's called.. I walk towards the section of the training room that has moving targets. Or if i'm being more specific, just a bunch of ender beings that are traitors to the organization. I stand over the tiny arena full of traitors, and punch a crimson button next to me. Slowly, the floor beneath me begins to disappear. I then quickly fall towards the ground. While in the air, I spot a couple traitors who haven't run too far. I throw the knives with ease, they all hit their target.

I lang on the ground of the artificial rocky terrain. I freeze, listening to the sound of running that surrounds me. I began to chase the one closest to me, as I took the axe from my back. The traitor was fast, but not as fast as they needed to be. I quickly caught up with the traitor who I now see as an endrien. The endrian is taller than me, but... I'm 9.. So that's not a surprise. Soon, I'm running beside the endrian, they look at me, i look at them. Then, I cut off their head. I then run to the next traitor, passing the dead bodys of the ender beings I threw the knives at, ripping the throwing knives out of them, and continuing to run. I soon find a group of five traitors.

"Spare us! Please!"

"'I have a family!"

"I will tell you where others are if you don't kill me!"

"We know where others are!"

"Please don't kill us!"

"..... welp.... I guess this is how I die. Not what I expected, but it was never not an option."

They all scream at me to spare them, and that they know where others are, as if I need someone to tell me where others are... then there was 0012... oh 0012. You are so fucking depressed. You don't care if you die, do you? Nah, it's fine..... I think to myself.

With the throwing knives, I slice each of the traitors neck, other than 0012. They all fall to the ground, some dead immediately, others clutching their thoughts trying to stop the bleeding, they slowly die. 0012 looked at the now dead ender beings, then back at me.

"Why didn't you kill me? 0000, what's wrong?" 0012 asked me. I looked them in the eye.

"Why did you betray us? We were friends...

Now I have to kill you."

I put my hand on his shoulder. He let his head fall. I held my knife up to his throat. Paused. I lowered the knife. I could see a small amount of hope in his eyes. Then, just as he looked back up, I plunged the throwing knife into his stomach. He screamed. That was your friend you just killed. Murderer. You are useless. This is why no one will talk to you. Why don't you just jump into a rushing river? That would kill you. It would be painful, but it would get you out of a bit once you go to hell. Your going to hell anyways, even if you never came here. Youre gay. Your disgusting. My head follows my dying friend as he falls to the floor. Ok, you're right about some of that, but one: I don't believe that hell or heaven or the afterlife or anything like that exists. You die, then that's it. Two: im not gay. Im bisexual. And agender. I tell the voices in my head. I walk away, towards another traitor, to get the start of today's training done.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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