a new recruit. Part 3

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trigger warnings: swearing maybe, murder, abuse?, and more!

hello my gremlins! this is chapter four! 

there are 1321 words! wow, not as many as last chapter, but well ther was over 2000, so yeah. 

anyways, please enjoy chapter 4.

One or two minutes go by, then the lights go out, as they have hundreds of times before. This indicates that the contestants have entered and are now in place. A countdown appears above my head.

"Thirty seconds" said the pre-recorded robotic voice I have heard at every entrance program.

It's the same thing every time.

The robotic voice

People try to kill me

I kill them in seconds

People kill each other for weapons

One or two survive

One gets chosen

The other gets killed.

This time would be different, I hope. That enderling will put up a good fight.

"Ten seconds"

The ender beings, who are each standing on a pedestal, creating a circle around the gazebo, all look ready to sprint forwards. Under the gazebo I'm standing on, there are a bunch of different weapons.

"Five seconds"

Everyone below looks terrified.


The ender beings, all ran to the middle, some faster than others. I watch to annalise everyone's strengths and weaknesses, to get this over with quickly. The tallest seemed not so good with speed, in fact he was quite slow. The smallest, was kind of dumb. By kind of, i mean very. He didnt even move, he just looked around, frozen. There were more ender beings, but nothing to interesting.

Then there was the enderling, the one i could see potential in. this enderling, was fast. Very fast. As soon as the test began, they sprinted towards the gazebo, leaving everyone else in their dust. The enderling grabbed two knives, and ran into the atrafitial forest.

"The ender will be able to move in five minutes" the robotic voice said about thirty seconds after the test began. The 'ender' was referring to me.

The others looked surprised at how fast the enderling was, then sprung into action. I looked to the ceiling of the room, trying to listen carefully to what was happening below me.

Four dead. That leaves about 19. This will be fun.

I see the tallest endrian, who was holding an axe, ran to where THE enderling went.

The others have kind of made a smalled circle around me, kinda like if they were sacrificing me for a cult. They think they can kill me. I see that THE enderling has stopped hiding behind a tree, and was looking at me. I wasnt really actually LOOKING, i kinda just knew what was happening. I look directly at them, they seemed kind of intimidated by that.

"Thirty seconds"

I look away from THE enderling. I hear a twig snapped behind them, i immediately look back over to them, but surprisingly, i see them stab the tallest endrian with one of the knives, then I see deep magenta blood spewing out from the tall endrian.

I knew they were different

"The test has fully begun. Good luck"

My head snapped forward as soon as I heard those words. I jump down from the roof of the gazebo, landing perfectly on the grass below. I hear the contestant become a bit more scarred. i look up, into the eyes of a very short enderling. I run towards them, they swing a knife towards me, i grab their arm, and throw them across the arena, they land against a wall, their head breaking open.

The others see this, half of the group run away il deel with them later, the other half begin to attack me at once. They are foolish. One by one, i kill them, snapping their necks, turning their weapon against them, using one person to stab another, and so on.

There were two left. I see THE enderling slowly approach. The enderling im currently fighting against, swings the enchanted netheright sword they were holding towards me. I jump in the air, landing on the blade of the sword on my toes. They manage to keep the sword up, since I am oddly light. I look them in their eye. I tilt ly head to the side, then, extend my legs, launching myself towards the endrian, i land on their shoulder, and stab them in the eye with my sharp, claw-like nails. They scream in pain, i step with one of my feet onto their head, pushing them towards the ground. As they fall, i use my other foot to snap their neck. I step away from the now dead body of the endrian. They got blood on my boots. I say to myself in my head.

I turn towards the last person of the group that didnt chicken out, and run. I walk towards them, as they run, holding a axe they are ready to swing. As thew force the axe down, i grab their arm, and snap it to a unnatural position. They drop the axe and scream in pain. Right before they fell to the ground, i grab them by the neck and begin to choke them.

The endrian that i was strangling, was scratching at my hand and arm, not doing anything though. Next thing i know, i feel the slightest pain in my other arm. I look to what caused it. It was THE enderling. I stare at them. They stare back.

How did i not hear them? I should react. I need to kill them. Why am i not moving? I need to kill them, or HE will hurt me. Im useless. I should just die like HE says i should.

My mind starts to go somewhere dark. The voices become louder. I cant hear. I cant hear. I cant hear.

My breathing becomes unsteady, though no one can notice.

I need to get out of here.

I make my hand go into a fist, crushing the endrian that i was stangling's neck. The endrian goes limp as i drop his body. Stand fully up, look down at the enderling. I notice something moving behind them. In one movement, i take one of the enderlings knives, and throw it so close to their head, that their hair blows back from the wind of the moving blade.

It looks like the enderling heard something, they look behind them, to see another enderling, with the knife i just threw, impaled them, making them choke on their own blood.


I quickly sprint away, towards another contestant. In about one minute, i had killed all the remaining contestants, exept two.

Guards enter the arina. They find the two living contestants, grab them by their arms, then drag the back to the gazebo, where i am waiting. I stand up straight, showing no emotion.

"Did either of these two pass?" one of the guards asked me. Not surprised to see me covered in blood, varying from deep purple, to dark pink. Each Ender being has a different colour of blood. Though, it easily disappears.

".. oui.. Le court l'a fait. Tuer l'autre" i reply in french.

The guard walks up to the one I said to kill, then plunges the sword he was holding into her stomach. I stand, unaffected. The endrian let out a blood curdling scream. The enderling looked very tired, but scared. Very scared. The guard pulled out the sword from the endrian's stomach, and watched as their body fell to the floor. Dead. The guard steps back, then stands in front of the enderling, they survived, anyway, the guard looked at the enderling, who was looking at the ground. The guard grabbed the enderlings jaw.

He is gonna hurt them. I need to do something. No, I'll get in more trouble. They passed! Why is he doing that? What's he going to do to them? I should help them. I should get the guard away from them. My thoughts clouded my hearing. I look at the ground, not wanting to see them get hurt.

"Welcome to A.B.Y.S.S, 0015" the guard said. My head shot up. They passed! Shit. they passed. The realization hit me like a bucket of water. They would have to go through so much training. My head fell back down, i stared at the ground as my head filled with voices. 


thank you for reading this! 

goodbye and goodnight. 

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