the enderling. Part 2

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ok! hi!

this is the second chapter! yay.

there are a lot of words in this chapter. 2250 to be exact. 

trigger warning(s): swearing, murder, abuse.  

anyways, please enjoy!

About a day later.

Untitled chapter 2

About a day later.

I looked around my boring room, then decided to stand up. My room was small, four walls, with a small closet on one side, making a space, where my bed was, there was a desk on the opposite side of the room; there a purple vase that looked like the portal to the Over End, there was two alliums, and a red rose in the vase. I had found those flowers on my last mission for A.B.Y.S.S, they were at the edge of a town I had to burn to the ground.

There were a couple pens and pencils on the desk, as well as scattered paper, filled with drawings.

Next to the desk was a small storage system thing that had three drawers, it was painted black. There were a couple of jars containing more pens and pencils, as well as paint brushes, a couple of really good markers, and a fountain pen. Inside of the drawers included paint, more colourful pens, and assorted art supplies.

There was a circular window opposite of the door. The windowsill is big enough for me to sit. Under the window, were instruments I stole throughout years of working here.

I walked over to the window, and looked outside. It's been.. I don't even know how many years it has been since I was taken. I think it has been 5 years? I'm not sure. I don't even know my own name anymore, well, If I do have a name. As far as i know, my name is 0000. I opened the window, pulled myself up from the top of the windowsill, then jumped through the window, feet first. After a couple of seconds in the air, I teleported to a far island that I could barely see, with my good eye. My room is in the castle on top of the island, my room is placed at the highest tower. My feet hit the ground, and I continued to walk. Today I had to go to the 'overworld'. I have been there a lot, most people know not to go near me, since I'm kind of a trained, unstable, violent, tall, creepy, emotionless mercenary with anger issues.

I walk, sometimes teleporting. My mission for today was to kill someone named..... Clay robertson? I don't really remember what their name is, though I do remember what they look like. 'Clay' has blondish brownish hair that isn't too short but not too long. They have green eyes. No one has really seen his face since mr. clay never goes outside, but that just means his body won't be found for a while.

My eyes lit up with an insane look, thinking how surprised mr. clay will be to see me. The reason I have been sent to kill mr. Clay is because he used to work with A.B.Y.S.S, but he left the organization. He knows too much. I'm gonna have fun killing clay. He is the one who was in charge of the torcher room. I couldn't even tell you the amount of times he has locked me in a box of water. I'm an ender, so I burn in water. It's very painful. I'm gonna make sure Clay experiences the same amount of pain he made me experience.

I probably looked like a psychopath, but I kinda am one.

I continued walking, but out of the corner of my eye I saw something shiny. I teleported over to it. I crouched down, my knees on the damp grass. I reached towards the shiny object, and picked it up. It was an opal. I put the opal in my pocket so I wouldn't lose it. I really like opal. It's so pretty.

After another five minutes of a mixed walking and teleporting, I finally arrived at the house that mr. clay lived. It was far enough from any civilization.

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