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After that, no matter how Lin Xiuyuan asked, Chen Dadong couldn't answer any more information, and he forgot his surname, because that person only worked at the school for half a year and then resigned, and there was no contact with everyone.

Before leaving, Chen Dadong seemed to suddenly remember something, and said again: "The child is very good-looking, but his voice is a bit like a girl. He seems to be very concerned about this, so he doesn't like to talk much, and sometimes he speaks deliberately. Squeezing your throat... eh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Xiuyuan shook his head and said nothing, and sent him out.

When he returned to the house, he glanced at the wall where ghosts had once appeared, and the fog that had been shrouded in his heart finally dissipated.

Chen Dadong left, Xiang An didn't want to go home, all his roommates went back, he didn't want to live in his dormitory alone. And after the incident in the afternoon, Xiang An felt that he and the janitor brother had become comrades in common weal and woe, and wanted to spend two nights with him, but he was embarrassed to open his mouth, and he held his hands at the door and refused to leave.

Lin Xiuyuan knew what he meant and said, "There is only one bed in my room."

Xiang An immediately said, "I didn't want to sleep on your bed!"

Lin Xiuyuan sighed and sat down on the bed slowly: "Then close the door for me, I want to sleep for a while."

Seeing that he really lay down, Xiang An said anxiously, "You, you live here alone, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

" It's just... the dormitory just took his son out for inspection, and if he brings that Qin Xiaojie back at night, you are not afraid that he will get out of bed and retaliate against you!"

The young man on the bed was stunned: "No way? The principal is like that. I said..."

"Why not!" Seeing that he seemed to frighten people, Xiang An quickly stepped up his efforts, gave him various examples of revenge cases in the social news, and said terribly, and finally hummed: "If you're really afraid, I can stay here for two nights without sleeping in your bed, just bring the bedding from the dormitory and make the floor, and I have my cousin's phone number, so I'll tell him immediately if there is any situation! Absolutely! Bailey is harmless!"

Lin Xiuyuan paused when he heard the word "Uncle Biao" in his mouth, but pretended to not understand: "Who is your Uncle Biao?"

"Oh, it's Teacher Zheng, he used to hate bullies when he was in school. Ling or something like that, or else he wouldn't label that Qin Xiaojie like that? I told him he wouldn't care."

"Then why don't you live in your cousin's dormitory?"

"We're just related. The superficial relatives of the deceased, and he is like that, I don't want to go...stay with him, I don't dare to play with my mobile phone, it's better to go home! Besides, he won't want me to go. Brother Xiaoyuan, what I just said, you should think about it..." Lin

Xiuyuan stood up and said, "Go get the quilt."

"I was afraid that he would regret it, so he turned and ran up without waiting for an answer.

There was no one in the room. Lin Xiuyuan got out of bed and cleaned the floor. He took the quilt on the bed to the far corner and started to make it up.

System: "???"

Lin Xiuyuan: "You can't let a child sleep on the ground."

System: "Why did you agree to him?"

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