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Lin Xiuyuan woke up at dawn the next day, Jiang Yuming woke up earlier, bought breakfast and went to take a shower.

When he got out of bed, the other party had already changed into his sports clothes, his hair was slightly damp, and he wanted to kiss him again when he got to the bed.

Lin Xiuyuan reached out and touched his hair: "Have you taken a shower?"

"Well," the other party kissed him twice on the lips, then hugged him and arched his head over the shoulder, "Watching a movie at night, don't forget ."

Lin Xiuyuan said, "I don't have amnesia."

Jiang Yuming stopped talking.

Lin Xiuyuan touched his face. After bathing, his skin was slightly cool and felt very comfortable. After a while, he was about to withdraw his hand, but the other party grabbed his hand and pressed it against his face.

Lin Xiuyuan said, "It's time for me to wash up."

Jiang Yuming said in a sullen voice, "Hold one more minute!"

Lin Xiuyuan sat there quietly and let him hold it. Sure enough, after a minute, the boy let go and split up Seconds are not bad.

It's sunny after the rain, and the sun is shining outside.

After Lin Xiuyuan finished washing up, he went back to the house to have dinner with him, then cleaned up a few times and went out to work.

When I got to the office, the middle-aged man who drowned in the swimming pool that day was not there. The elder sister who was sitting next to Lin Xiuyuan said, "I heard that I just came back from the hospital yesterday, but my body is fine, but I am scared and talk nonsense... ...his wife took him a period of time off to recuperate..."

Lin Xiuyuan: "Nonsense?"

"Don't we all know that he drowned because of leg cramps in swimming. Others saw it with their own eyes before they rescued him, but He insisted that it was a little girl who pulled him... Let's not talk about how the little girl pulled him, such an adult, there were no children in the deep water area over there that day..."

"Tsk, I don't think you want to blackmail money. Bar?"

"Who knows, what you said sounds like his style, but it's true that you're not scared..." "I heard that if you find out later, there will be no people, can you not be scared


A sigh.

They were chatting, when a colleague ran in and closed the door with a nervous expression, saying that the police were coming.

The surroundings became quiet, and all eyes were focused on the man. The other party sat down and took a sip of water, and then described the scene just now vividly. He described a simple investigation scene like a cop movie.

"We didn't do anything illegal in our factory, right? Don't scare people..."

"It's not about our factory, it's Xu Hongxia's trouble. Didn't her husband run away with others? She won't be home for a few days. Well, I called the police... After all, I couldn't get in touch, and it was considered a case of disappearance, so the police came to the factory..."

"I haven't returned home for so many days?! Xu Hongxia doesn't know where that woman lives? " If

you knew, you wouldn't call the police, right?"

"Damn, then Chen Gang is really good enough... If the trouble is like this, even if the person is found, can Xu Hongxia still live with him?"

"I see. Not necessarily, usually Xu Hongxia is really nice to him, didn't the mistress just pretend that nothing happened when she came to the door? How do we know what people think..."

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