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Yancheng and Yucheng are separated by a magnificent river, and it takes at least five days to travel up the river from the vicinity of the General's Mansion.

Lin Xiuyuan and the others mingled with a group of refugees at the city gate in the early morning. Xiao Rui was ill and injured, and he was unconscious all the time. In order not to be noticed before leaving the city gate, Lin Xiuyuan painted him dirty and black with charcoal ash, and then searched and hid all the valuables on him. In the tattered bag, there was a very beautiful piece of white jade with the word Xiao on it. Lin Xiuyuan felt that it should be the Xiao family heirloom mentioned in the outline.

He wrapped it in three layers of cloth, wrapped it around with weeds soaked in muddy water, and tied it around his stomach. She was already surprisingly thin, so it wasn't abrupt when she tied it up like this, but it looked a bit fleshy.

When changing Xiao Rui's clothes at that time, Lin Xiuyuan looked at his left leg specially, and there was indeed a mole.

That's the sign of the reference object.


All three were wearing clothes plucked from the dead, and their clothes smelled bad. Except for the refugees along the way, the officers and soldiers who passed by pinched their noses as soon as they approached.

The distance was long, and they couldn't keep walking behind their backs. After leaving the city completely, Lin Xiuyuan exchanged his gold bracelet for an ox cart.

Linger was a little surprised at the time: "I thought you were going to sell your son's stuff."

Lin Xiuyuan looked around and whispered, "It can't be sold now, there are so many people in the general's residence, those who killed may not have been counted yet. We were able to escape here, probably because they haven't found out that the young master has escaped, so we have to be careful. The young master is always in the spotlight, and if his belongings are sold on the road, our traces will be exposed."

Linger nodded and said: " You're still smart!"

Lin Xiuyuan touched his nose at that time and glanced back. The boy was lying on the haystack of the scooter, his lips were white, his brows were wrinkled, and his condition was not very good.

He turned his head and said, struggling to control the ox cart to move forward.

Linger looked at Xiao Rui from behind and was a little worried.

She always felt that the son was going to die, but she didn't dare to say it, for fear of her own crow's mouth.

Xiao Rui fell asleep on the ox cart and didn't wake up all day.

When it was dark, Lin Xiuyuan drove the cattle into the trail at the nearby fork, which led to the depths of the mountain.

Linger was a little frightened: "How did you get here?"

Lin Xiuyuan pointed to the baggage behind him: "Sister Linger, you should change into men's clothes first." The

other party was puzzled and asked him why.

Lin Xiuyuan: "I'm driving the cattle now, and I won't look back. It's dark again, and the young master is still in a coma, so you can rest assured to change."

Linger saw his serious tone, so she didn't say more, and took it neatly. The coarse clothes that came out were quickly changed into.

Lin Xiuyuan listened to the movement, and asked again, making sure that Linger who was behind finished changing her clothes, and parked the ox cart in front of a shallow pond in the deep forest.

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