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The ward was quiet.

The drowsy consciousness returned to the cage, and Lin Xiuyuan opened his eyes.

The nurse was pulling the curtains. There wasn't a lot of sunlight outside. It was a cloudy day. She turned around and quickly walked over to see him awake: "Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

Lin Xiuyuan opened his mouth and said weakly. It's not bad.

The nurse nodded and shouted in the direction of the bathroom: "Sheng Xiaoyuan is awake, I'll come by ringing the bell if something happens. His lungs were choked with water before, so try to keep him from talking..."

"Who's in there?" Lin Huo Yuan asked.

"I don't know what his name is... That uncle Jiang didn't leave until he saw you, and he came back. He probably thought that your situation was very serious and made a lot of noise. Later, when he saw you lying here, he immediately fainted. Now...but you were in a coma that was quite scary, your face was completely colorless, and now it's better after the infusion...oh, as soon as he fainted, we called the uncle back in time, and we really talked to him. It's related, the uncle was very frightened and said it was his grandson."


"It seems to be called this name, and I woke up after lying on the bed next to you for a few minutes. We asked him what happened. Don't tell me, it's probably due to heatstroke... His grandfather sees him staying here, so he will go back and say he'll come back in the afternoon... There are still patients in the ward to see, so I'll go first."

"Okay..." The

nurse pushed the cart out.

The interior is quiet again.

Lin Xiuyuan looked at the door on the other side of the bathroom

, pursed his lips , and shouted, "Yuming?"

Lin Xiu thought that his voice was too low for him to hear, so he stopped shouting, lying on the bed and waiting for someone to come out.

While waiting he asked the system: "How long have I been in a coma?"

The system said, "Fortunately, in less than half a day, you were seen by passers-by when you escaped the control of that kid for the last time. After a few people rescued you temporarily, they took you to the hospital. It is now after two noon." The

situation was better than he thought. Some.

At that time, after he saw the face by the pool, accidents started one after another. First of all, his body was out of his control.

Then, the little girl climbed out of the pool, took his hand, and led him out of the yard.

They kept spinning around the alley, walking like a ghost hitting a wall. When they were exhausted, they came to the narrow passage.

However, he couldn't remember the memory of the passage to the other side. He only knew that when it was almost dawn, the little girl led him and started to walk out, and finally reached the river where many people drowned.

The little girl began to sing a nursery rhyme, and the cold pale little hand led him into the water, walking and walking.

He knew then that if he didn't want to get rid of this kid, he would definitely die.

This is earlier than the time of death set by the original outline.

What taboo did he break that Sheng Xiaoyuan would not break during this period in the original outline?

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