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Lin Xiuyuan was a little surprised: "After graduation, do you still arrange vacation sports?"

Jiang Yuming: "...I arranged it myself."

"Oh," Lin Xiuyuan nodded lightly, "more exercise is good for the body."

"... "

It was not early, so the two of them rode back on the bike one after the other, with Lin Xiuyuan riding in front and the young man following behind.

At the entrance of the alley, the lights of several small restaurants were on.

Lin Xiuyuan stopped the bicycle and said to Jiang Yuming, "You haven't eaten yet? I asked you, but you didn't thank you for your help yesterday." The

boy didn't nod or shake his head.

This is promised.

After stopping the car, Lin Xiuyuan took him to a noodle shop and asked for two bowls of fried noodles.

This noodle restaurant is an old sign. The proprietress recognized Jiang Yuming, greeted him with a smile, and glanced at Lin Xiuyuan again.

No matter how young Lin Xiuyuan looks, it is obviously impossible for him to be a high school student in that outfit. She whispered to Jiang Yuming: "Is this your relative's brother?" The

teenager frowned: "...No."

Lin Xiuyuan has already looked for He took a seat and sat down, and the other party quickly went to the seat opposite him.

The hot fried noodles came, Lin Xiuyuan picked up his chopsticks and started eating. He ate without making a sound. After a while, he felt that someone was staring at him and looked up.

The teenager looked away, and the speed of eating became faster. Lin Xiuyuan only ate half of it, and he finished it. He got up and went to pay. The proprietress whispered, "Your brother has paid." On the

table, Lin Xiuyuan was quiet . After eating noodles, after a while, the boy who left sat back again, looking a little depressed.

After eating the noodles, Lin Xiuyuan got up and took Jiang Yuming back.

There are often children running around in the hutong trails at night. They do not ride bicycles, but push bicycles into the hutong.

After walking for a while, when there was no one on either side, Lin Xiuyuan pointed to the covered passage and asked, "Can people leave in that passage?"

Jiang Yuming glanced at it: "Yes, but don't go."


"It's dirty inside."


"It's too narrow, almost no one cleans it up." "

...Oh." At the entrance of the courtyard, Lin Xiuyuan carried the handlebars over the threshold. As soon as the front of the car passed, the body behind him was pushed forward with a grunt. Looking back, the boy had already slipped in with a bicycle on his back. The yard was quite lively. Uncle Jiang moved the TV out, and a group of adults and children gathered around watching a movie. Sun Xiaopang's mother and son also closed the stall early and sat in front of their house watching while eating with their bowls. Lin Xiuyuan greeted those people and went back to his room, simply packed up, took his clothes and went to take a shower in the small room. Halfway through the shower, I suddenly heard a sentence: "Mom and Dad..." It was a girl's voice that was very clear. Lin Xiuyuan was caught off guard, and immediately thought that a child had run in, and the towel in his hand almost fell to the ground. Looking up again, there was no one there. The lights were on in the room, and there was no one at all except him. The door is locked, and ordinary people can't get in. After Lin Xiuyuan finished flushing neatly, he dried his body, put on his clothes, and then walked towards the inner wall according to the direction of the sound source.

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