Chapter 3

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Nothing can prepare you for getting caught in the same room as a couple having sex. I wanted to sink into the floor and disappear, or maybe throw up.

Real sophisticated, Cleo.

There was nothing sophisticated about the situation I'd found myself in. It was totally and utterly humiliating. I just had to remember it was more humiliating for Reece than for me. Maybe.

For a moment I thought if I simply stood there, squashed between the shelves, not moving, he would think he'd imagined my presence and leave. But he didn't.

He switched on the light.

I blinked at the sudden brightness and shrank even further back. When my eyes had adjusted, I dared to look into the face of Reece Kavanagh to gauge his reaction to the weird situation.

Bad move. He wasn't smiling, and dark shadows lurked in those soulless eyes. His brows crashed together and he crossed his arms over his chest. His jacket and tie lay on a shelf nearby and his muscles bulged inside his shirt. The man's physique was as impressive and intimidating as his expression. He stood between me and the door, an impenetrable, immovable wall of pure steel.

"I…I'm, uh, sorry," I said with as much coolness as I could muster, which was very little. "I came in here looking for…" I glanced around at the contents on the shelves. "Toilet paper." I winced. That was the best I could do?

"In the dark?"

Crap. Time to retreat and get out with what little dignity I had left. It seemed unfair that I should be the embarrassed one, when he'd been caught with his pants down.

I stepped forward, out from my hiding place, but he didn't move.

"You didn't answer my question," he said.

"Huh? Oh, right, yeah I was looking in the dark. Stupid, I know." I shrugged.

He still didn't move. "My other question."

"Other question?" I genuinely couldn't remember. My mind was mush. What the hell had he asked me?

"Did you enjoy the show?"

Hell. Why couldn't he just pretend nothing happened? That's what normal people did. He could let me out with a sheepish smile and a goofy shrug. I'd promise not to tell anyone and everything would be fine.

But it wasn't fine. It was awkward, and I was still damned hot, my skin slick in uncomfortable places. "Um…" There's no sensible answer to that question. There just isn't. "It was…"

"Interesting?" he filled in.

"I suppose."

"Nice?" He leaned back against the doorframe and lazily crossed his ankles. With his eyelids half closed, he looked less dangerous and more amused at my discomfort. Damn him.

"That's not quite the word I'd use," I said.

"How about hot?"

I swallowed loudly and looked down at my shoes. "I, uh, guess so." I cleared my throat and took another step closer. He didn't move aside. Panic fluttered in my chest, but I refused to let it bloom. I didn't think I was in danger from this man, but if that were the case, why wasn't he letting me out? "Excuse me, Mr. Kavanagh, I'd like to leave now."

"Call me Reece. I think we should be on first name terms after what we just shared."

"We didn't share anything." Finally I was regaining some common sense and a shred of dignity. I could do this. I could be all-business and pretend to be offended instead of turned on. "I overheard an unfortunate incident between you and your girlfriend."

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