Chapter 7

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After my gut stopped churning and my face cooled, there was one thought that beat out a staccato rhythm against my ribs.


I had nothing to lose and a wonderful night with a hot guy to gain. So what if it was just one night, or just for a week? I didn't want long-term with Reece Kavanagh. I was spying on him for Christ's sakes. Anything more than a fling would bring me closer to revealing the truth. One or two nights here and there while we worked together I could do.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand without warning. He was gentle yet insistent as we wove our way through the crowd. A few whispers followed us, but I couldn't hear what they said. We didn't see Ash, didn't speak to anyone. Once outside, a chauffeur driven limo stopped alongside us. I was dimly aware of a bulb flashing off to my right as I climbed in, but I didn't care.

I was drunk on the champagne and Reece. Being the focus of his intense desire filled my head, leaving no room for anything else.

The car sped away and we settled back into the leather seats. A champagne bottle cooled in a bucket of ice and Reece reached for it.

"No," I said, laying my hand over his. "I want to be fully aware for this."

It was as if my words acted as a trigger. He flipped his hand over and caught mine in his roughened one. I wondered if surfing had given him the calluses. Then I forgot about his hands and thought only of our touching thighs, his broad shoulder rubbing against mine. His eyes turned smoky in the poorly lit cabin of the limo. His lips parted. He hesitated and it felt like the longest moment of my life.

Kiss me already!

To my relief, he did. It started out gentle, teasing, as if he were tasting me and enjoying the sensations swamping him. At least, that's what I was doing. My body hummed to life like an electric wire. I shifted closer so that I was almost in his lap, and deepened the kiss.

It was like I'd given him a signal. He let go of my hand and circled one arm around my waist, trapping me against him. His other hand dug into my hair and held my head so that I couldn't draw away. I didn't want to. The kiss was fierce and raw. It shattered me into a thousand pieces and pulled me together again. It sent my heart soaring until I thought it would burst right out of my chest.

But it wasn't enough. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel all of him, touch all of him, and have those lips everywhere.

He pulled away and I moaned. Come back.

"We're here," he rasped.

The car had stopped. The door opened and the driver stood on the sidewalk. I stepped out and Reece took my hand and led me into the building. It was tall and brightly lit, but that's all I noticed. I couldn't focus.

"Good evening, Mr. Kavanagh," said a smiling concierge from behind a desk in the plush entrance foyer. "Pleasant evening?"

Reece nodded and steered me toward the elevator. We stepped inside and I had enough wits about me to notice there was only one button and it wasn't numbered. Reece used a key then pressed the button. We rode up silently, our hands entwined, and stepped out and into the entrance of an apartment. Potted plants filled the space and made it feel tropical, calm, welcoming.

"You live here?" I asked him as he took me through to another room. Modern furniture in warm woods and black leather were softened by more potted plants. The living room was huge. Everything about it was big including the TV and the long wall of windows. Lights twinkled far below and beyond that was nothing but inky black. The bay. The most expensive view in Roxburg.

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