Chapter 4

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I wore sensible shoes for my first day at RK Financial Group and a business-like skirt and blouse in cool shades of gray. I wore my hair in a tight, high ponytail, aiming for the sexy, sophisticated look. From the slight flare in Reece's eyes when he saw me, I think I pulled it off.

I'd been directed to the executive floor by the downstairs receptionist and told to wait for Mr. Kavanagh to meet me in the foyer area adjoining his office. I didn't have to wait. He was already there when the elevator doors slid open.

"You're early," he said, not even checking his Rolex watch. He looked damned sexy and sophisticated too with no hint of rough stubble on his jaw and not a hair out of place. He wore another expensive suit with a crisp yellow tie and silver cufflinks peeking out from the jacket sleeves. He wasn't smiling.

"I don't like being late."

Reece stood in front of a glass wall with his name on it. Behind the wall was a large area with a desk, a single droopy potted palm and some modern artwork on the walls. A lounge, two chairs and a low bookshelf made up the rest of the furniture. The bookshelf stood against a wall of polished wood beside a door that led through to another office. It must be Reece's.

"Welcome," he said, opening the glass door for me. "Since you're early, you have time."

"Time for what?"

"To make me a cup of coffee before my first meeting."

I set my bag down on the desk and looked around. "Where's the kitchen?"

"Behind that wall." He touched a panel and waited as it silently slid up to reveal a kitchenette. "Black, one sugar. Make one for yourself as well."

Gee, thanks.

He left me before I could ask any questions, shutting his office door with a firm click. I quickly assessed my workstation. A password was written in a loopy, childish scrawl on a sticky note attached to the monitor and stationery was placed neatly in the drawers. A set of keys sat on a notepad and a snow globe held down a stack of papers in a tray. Inside the dome was a white polar bear, a forest of firs behind him. It was cheap, the sort of thing that would cost a couple of dollars at a tourist store. I wondered if it had belonged to Ally and whether she'd left it behind on purpose or not. It seemed out of place amid the sleek polished wood of the desk and the expensive furniture.

I set to work making the coffee then knocked on Reece's door. He opened it, his cell to his ear, and signaled me to enter. I set the cup down on his desk and was about to leave when he hung up.

"Wait," he said, picking up the cup. "Don't knock next time. If I'm on the phone and can't answer, you could be waiting there for hours. Besides, there's no need for formality between us." Was it my imagination or did his voice just lower a notch?

"Is there something I can do for you before your meeting starts?"

He sipped then set down the cup. "Grab your notebook and pen to take notes. Do you write shorthand?"

"Of course."

He nodded in approval. "They'll be here in a minute."

I took that as a "Hurry up" and returned to my desk. I managed to make myself a coffee and re-enter his office just as his first executive walked in.

I soon learned that most of the senior employees at RK Financial Group were under forty like Reece. Not all wore expensive suits. One had no tie and his shirt sleeves rolled up and another wore jeans. He winked at me as he entered.

"So you're Reece's latest victim," he said with a grin.

I grinned back. "Temporarily."

"Yeah? No wonder he hired you."

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