Chapter 39

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"He scored again!" Hanna shouted excitedly but her voice was barely heard over the roaring crowd. 

Damien had just scored a three pointer, solidifying Oakwood High's win against their neighbouring county rivals. This was the third win in a row for their school and the girls were ecstatic.  

Damien jogged around the court, drinking in the praises and cheers being thrown his way. Some had even thrown their underwear his way. 

His white basketball jersey clung to his torso, slicked with sweat and his damp hair stuck to his forehead. He looked so happy and Lola could see all the girls in the front rows openly ogling at him. 

"Quite the star, huh?" Lola teased Nalini by nudging her shoulders but Nalini just nodded absent mindedly. 

Her gaze was fixed on Eva's light brown head swing from side to side as she danced her cheer routine. 

It was obvious that Nalini had kind of lost interest in Damien over the time the group had got to know each other. But this growing interest in Eva was something new and it had started ever since the night they studied together. 

The mutual animosity they used to have for each other seemed to evaporate into thin air and now Eva was as friendly as ever. Needless to say it was definitely messing with her friend's mind. 

"Do you think she told me that just to mess with us?" Nalini leaned in and asked Lola the same question she had been haranguing her with for the past two weeks. "She told us not to hang out with each other but we have been doing so and nothing has happened. Maybe this is just her twisted way to get in my head and make me fail my Chem test." 

Lola snorted. "She doesn't look like she's competing with you anymore. In fact I'd say you two have become pretty close."

Nalini leaned back looking offended. "Excuse me. It was one dinner at my house and then a few study sessions that's it." 

"Which you enjoyed. You always came out smiling afterwards," Hanna interjected. 

"How could you guys betray me like this?" Nalini feigned hurt by clutching her chest. "Yes, I admit she's quite nice sometimes. The operative word being sometimes, okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, whatever you say, Nals," Edward squeezed past two students standing next to Hanna and winked at the girls. "I brought chips, some sour patch kids and a chocolate bar for Hanna." 

"Yuck, never call me that again," Nalini complained as she took a packet of chips. 

Hanna grabbed the bar of chocolate. "You know me well." 

The two shared a look which made Lola and Nalini feel like they were suddenly third wheeling. Hanna and Edward had been spending a lot of time together recently. Aside from their assignments, the two have been going out for meals almost every other day. 

Everyone knew that Edward was head over heels in love with Hanna but now Lola could tell the feelings were slowly being reciprocated. She wouldn't be surprised if Hanna sprung news of their new relationship anytime now. 

Thinking about that made her think about Julian. He told her he wasn't coming today because his mother wasn't feeling well but she knew they would meet later in her room at night. The thought alone made her heart skip a beat. 

She felt scared to admit it, but their relationship was slowly growing stronger day by day. They spent more and more time together, either in school in groups or at night in her room. Those were her favourite moments, just the two of them watching a k-drama on her bed with Julian making fun of the storyline or the main leads. 

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