Chapter 6

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Julian backed further into the wall as he started to deliberate his options. There were three girls in front of him, a medium sized Lola, a tall and skinny girl and a slightly chubby, short girl next to her.

If he really wanted to, he could take on all of them. He doubted they'd be able to overpower him, the only thing he had to worry about was screaming.

Girl's screams could reach decibels that could deafen people. He had to figure a way out of this, he had to reach the window and jump out.

"What is this? Some kind of nerd ambush?" He asked Lola angrily and almost winced when he saw her face flash with hurt. He appreciated her help immensely but he didn't ask for this and he couldn't help but feel like these girls were about to ruin his plans of running away. 

"You look kind of haggard," the chubby girl said. She placed her food on the table and then sat down on the bed. "Have some kimbap, it's really good."

Julian stared at her incredulously. What the hell were these girls up to? Was that poisoned? He peered at the rice rolls filled with stuffing, all wrapped up in seaweed. God that looked good.

"Yeah, have some murukku as well. Just don't break your teeth on it," the skinny girl added but her tone was much more threatening than the other girl.

"Julian, just relax. We aren't going to turn you in. Nalini and Hanna want to help as well," Lola said.

"Lola, no one can help me," Julian slouched against the wall and then he slid to the floor. Feeling defeated and hungry again he took a piece of kimbap and stuffed it in his mouth. The taste definitely didn't disappoint and if he was going to get arrested anytime soon at least his stomach would be full of this delicious stuff.

"I never thought you'd be such a drama queen," The skinny girl spoke up again, her tone biting and this time Julian took a closer look at her. He vaguely knew her as the girl Eva was hell bent on competing with. He remembered hearing her name over and over again at parties where Eva would get drunk and go on a rant about how annoying she was. 

"You're Nalini, right?" He asked.

"Bingo. Now tell us everything, from before you were charged till you were convicted and how you managed to escape from the van." She crossed her legs and leaned against Lola's shoulder as the three girls sat on the bed, facing him.

"Why do I need to tell you anything?" Julian scoffed. He stood up and walked over to the window. "Look girls, it's been nice meeting you but I'm going to have to take my leave."

"My parents are on the porch having drinks and I have the phone in my hands. One call and you're done," Lola warned in a shaky voice. Blackmailing wasn't exactly her forte. 

Julian sighed loudly and then backed away from the closed windows before he sunk to the floor. How the hell did he end up trapped by three teenage girls who wouldn't have dared cross him in the hallways just a few months ago? 

"We just want to help," The chubby girl said. "I'm Hanna by the way." Her eyes were earnest, years of mixing with all kinds of people made it easy for Julian to tell the fake people from the real ones. This girl wore no judgement on her face, she wasn't even afraid of him being a so called killer. 

Something about her calm demeanor made him deflate like a balloon. 

"Okay, fine. If I tell you everything will you talk to Damien tomorrow?" He looked at Lola and she nodded slightly before taking a loud bite of murukku. She offered him some and he took a few pieces. His brain rattled as he bit into a piece, not expecting it to be so hard.

Julian then proceeded to tell the girls about how he was arrested about a month after the investigation for Fiona had started. Jason's murder occurred a few weeks before her's and the investigation was already ongoing. 

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