Chapter 14

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"Girls, I don't think using Tyler is the right thing to do," Lola said while she stuffed her bag with her toiletries, pajamas and a top and jeans for the party tonight. 

"You're not going to use him. Just befriend him, follow him around the office once in a while and keep an eye out on all the people who frequent the rooms where the papers are kept, teachers included," Nalini said as she lay down on Lola's bed.

The girls had gathered in Lola's room after school with their bags all packed and ready for their mission tonight. This was the first party they'd be going to since they started high school and they were planning to stay over at Damien's house because none of their parents knew they were going to a party in the first place. 

Damien's sister - a college student - had come down for the weekend and she was going to pick the girls up, pretending to be their friend. There was no way any of their parents would allow them to stay in a boy's house so they had no choice but to lie. 

Something Lola had been doing a lot lately.

Once she was done she plopped down on her bed and stared at her two friends who were looking as nervous as she felt. 

"You girls alright?" 

"Just nervous. I've never been to a high school party let alone lied to my parents about it," Hanna admitted. She liked to binge eat when she was stressed and right now she was munching on some seaweed crackers incessantly. "Why did we lie anyway? I think my parents wouldn't mind me going to a party."

"Mine would kill me if they ever knew. My brothers only started partying like animals when they went to college," Nalini said. 

"Yeah, I wasn't sure about mine either but they wouldn't allow us to stay out so late so it's better this way," Lola said and then she pried the packet of seaweed crackers out of her friend's hand, with great difficulty. 

Hanna always belly ached once she was done binging and Lola didn't want to hear about it later.

They heard a car pull up outside and saw a different jeep parked on the driveway. The girls rushed downstairs and out the door while Lola's parents sauntered after them, eager to see their 'new friend' Delilah. 

Damien's sister got out of the car and flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder before walking up to meet Lola's parents. Delilah had been a senior when Lola and her friend's were freshmen. She had been as popular as her brother back in the day and looking at her now, Lola could see why. 

Delilah was beautiful, a female version of her younger brother and she was extremely charming. She disengaged Lola's parents with her smile and sweet words. They never stood a chance and soon Lola, Nalini and Hanna were in Delilah's car, driving away from her house and her smiling parents. 

"Your parents are really sweet. They barely asked me a thing," Delilah said. She adjusted the rear view mirror and zoomed through the suburban streets like she was driving on a race track. Someone walking their dog by the side of the road shouted at them as they whizzed past him and Lola put her head down in embarrassment.

"Thanks." Was all Lola could say. She felt like throwing up with the way Delilah was driving. 

"So Damien filled me in on how this is going to be your first party and he's put me in charge of getting you girls ready. Don't worry I'm a pro at stuff like this," She exclaimed excitedly once she parked the car. 

Lola wondered if she knew there was a fugitive staying in her pool house but she kept her mouth shut anyway. 

They followed Delilah into Damien's huge house and saw him downstairs watching Tv. Julian was no where to be seen. 

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