Chapter 15

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The boys were drinking by the small table in the pool house but they fell silent the moment the girls knocked on the door. Damien checked that his sister wasn't there before unlocking it and he almost fell over in shock when he saw the transformed trio. 

He shut the door while the girls sauntered in, looking sheepish and Julian started wolf whistling. He joined his friend and soon the entire room was filled with the boys whistles. 

"Shut up," Nalini complained as she took a seat, but there was a ghost of a smile on her face when she looked at Damien. 

Lola's cheeks were burning and it didn't help that Julian had been staring at her from the moment she walked in. 

"You girls look hot," He said and then winked at Lola. 

She felt something stir in her chest as she stared at him. He looked miles different from the night he crashed her place to seek refuge.

His cheeks were clean-shaven and pink, dark eyes carefree and content despite his current predicament. For some reason this observation made Lola feel happy.

"What are we drinking?" She asked after sitting down, eager to change he topic. "Please don't tell me it's beer again."

Julian laughed and then he started mixing some clear liquid into a plastic cup with some cranberry juice. 

"Vodka cranberry," He answered. "We figured you girls would like this better." 

He prepared three cups and handed them to each of them. Lola took a sip and felt the sweet liquid coat her tongue. He was right, this was a hundred times better than the bitter beer they had the other day. 

"So I heard you wanted Julian to introduce you to me," Damien slid into the seat next to Nalini and put out his hand for her to shake. "The pleasure is all mine." 

Nalini leaned away from the flirtatious boy and eyed him skeptically. "Are you sure the pleasure is yours? Because we just heard from your sister that you thought we dressed like crap."

"Yeah, but look at what my constructive critism did. I'm going to be fighting off guys the whole night," He smirked and Lola burst out laughing. 

"I think that's a bit of a stretch. I mean yeah we're wearing your sister's nice clothes and make up but we still look pretty much the same. I'm still the same old chubby girl," Hanna said wistfully. 

"She thinks she's chubby? What is she a size eight?" Julian asked Lola incredulously. "Why do girls think being size zero is attractive? We guys like some meat on our girls." 

Nalini scoffed out loud at his remark. "Yeah, that's what you all say but last I checked your ex Natalie is a size two minus and so was yours." She pointed at Damien who pretended to study his drink.

"She has a point," He shrugged at Julian.

Lola surreptitiously eyed Julian at the mention of Natalie. She wondered if he knew about his girlfriend's new boyfriend who would most likely be at the party tonight. 

"Lola, why are you staring at me like I broke leg," He suddenly turned his attention back to her making her recoil. 

"Nothing. It's nothing," She mumbled suspiciously, drawing attention from everyone else in the room. 

"No, it isn't," Julian's eyes narrowed on her face and she felt his gaze pierce her like laser beams. 

She finally gave up, sighing loudly. "Okay fine, I was just worried that you heard about Natalie. I'm sorry I didn't tell her about you. I didn't think it was a good idea."

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