Chapter 41

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Eva tapped her foot on the floor impatiently as yet another student walked through the door. She was some freshman named Gia or something and her eyes lit up when she saw Eva staring at her. 

Eva quickly looked away but there was an unease bleeding into her every pore. Every student who walked in wasn't Nalini and it felt worse every time someone else opened the door and walked through.

Eva didn't know why she was feeling worried. She couldn't explain the inexorable need to know where Nalini was and if she was currently safe. The last she saw of her was when they were leaving the basketball court to head to Damien's party. 

The party had been going on for almost an hour, with Tyronne acting as host because even Damien was missing. It was highly unlikely for him to miss a victory celebration in his own house. Eva looked around the room as her friends filled the air with their chatter. 

Damien was no where to be seen and neither was Nalini and her two friends. Weren't they supposed to be here by now? Or had they decided to ditch last minute and head somewhere else?

She looked around for Julian and as expected he was a no show. He didn't even come for the game. 

"Eva, want another glass?" Natalie asked, breaking Eva from her thoughts. 

She looked at her friend and then down at her empty glass. "It's fine I'll fill it up myself. Give me yours too." 

Natalie stared at her in surprise as she snatched her glass and headed for the kitchen. She walked slowly, making sure to look at every occupied couch and each group of people standing around. 

Her chest constricted in disappointment after each passing second. Nalini was no where to be seen and neither was Damien. She briefly wondered if they had finally gotten together like her friends had speculated. 

The thought of Nalini in a relationship with Damien, or anyone else made her nauseous. She walked up to the make shift bar on the kitchen island and poured herself a strong mix of vodka and cranberry. 

She took a huge gulp, letting the alcohol burn her throat all the way down to her stomach. Tyronne was leaning by the counter, laughing incessantly as he joked with friends and poured them drinks. 

She marched up to him and grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards her which earned a few wolf whistles from his friends. Eva's nose scrunched up in disgust but she ignored them and dragged him towards the back of the kitchen where it was quieter. 

"Where's Damien?" 

"Why? Suddenly miss him after he scored the winning goal today?" Tyronne replied but his words were slurred and his eyes were droopy. He clearly sucked at being a bartender because it was evident he had been drinking the most. 

Eva bit her lip as she swallowed down an insult. She needed his help. She leaned on one side and jutted out her hip suggestively. "Could you call him for me? I want to know where he is?" 

Tyronnes eyes fell to her waist and then his smiled at her flirtatiously. "Anything for you, Eva."  He pulled out his phone and rang his friend but it was obvious no one was picking up. "Dudes not answering."

"Try again," Eva pressed, earning a look from him. "Please."

Tyronne did as told but the result was the same. He shrugged after a few tries. "It just cuts off like there's no signal. Maybe his phone is off. Maybe he's here in a room upstairs getting lucky or something. Want another drink?" 

Eva's lips pressed into a hard line as she shook her head and walked away. Her steps were feather light as she walked past groups of students, some dancing, others just standing around chatting. She made sure to avoid her group of friends as she snuck up the stairs to look around. 

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