Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Anna's POV

“What’s up, Babe?” He drawls. God he’s drunk. Or high. Probably a combination of the two. He’d have to be to get that hook in his mouth.

I don’t respond. I don’t know what to say. “Hi, nice to see you. I can see you’re doing well, so I’m just going to grab my sister and go?” Not likely.

My mouth suddenly feels very dry and I swallow, my throat thick. I lick at my lips. Eric’s gaze drops to my mouse, catching every sweep of my tongue across my lips despite the darkness of the room.

“You look good.”

I still refuse to respond. Why does he want to try and make conversation when he was two half nude, ready to do it women draped on him?

“Say something.” Eric demands, his eyes hard. I can see that the lines around his nose are red and angry. Snorting crack? I didn’t know Eric did those kinds of drugs. A wave of sadness comes over me as I realize I never did know Eric. I didn’t know him at all.

I settle for stating the obvious. “What can I say?”

“You can start by telling me why you’re here.” Eric smirks. One of the women has lowered her hands to his lap. I can see he’s hard. God I don’t want to watch her rub him off.

“I’m looking for Melissa. I think she’s here with Ethan.” I try to look anywhere but at him. I can’t help it, he draws me like a moth to a flame. Even while he’s getting a hand job from a half nude woman I can’t resist him.

“And?” Eric drawls.

“Well, is she?” I demand, getting angry.

Eric swats at the woman’s hands. “Go away.” He snarls.

I start to back out of the room but he commands, “Not you.” He nods his head. “Them.”

I watch silently as the two women sulk from the room. They shoot me nasty looks as they leave, tails tucked between their legs, claws sheathed. For now.

“Is Melisa here?” I ask again.

“She may be, she may not be.” Eric states, reclining back onto the couch.

“Can you please just tell me! She hasn’t responded to any of my texts and she has me worried.” I’m exasperated. I want to storm out of the room and never return, but I know Eric won’t let me go without saying what he has to say.

“Kiss me.”

“What?” I sputter. Why the fuck would he want me to kiss him? He just had two women all over him, one that he kissed, another that wanted to give him a hand job, and both that wanted to fuck him. Why the hell does he want to kiss me?

“Come here.” I take a tentative step forward.

Eric leans forward and grabs me around the waist, hauling me towards him. He tugs me on top of him, my legs opening around him, a leg settling on either side of him. I feel him brush against me and I instantly warm. God, what he does to me.

“Kiss. Me.” He growls. I know he’s drugged up on something strong. I know sure as hell he’ll regret this tomorrow. Heck, he’ll regret this in five minutes.

“No.” I spit, squirming in his lap. I try to jerk backwards, but he tightens his grip on me, pulling me closer to him.

“Kiss me.” He demands, his voice husky. “Kiss me and I’ll tell you where Melissa is.” He growls the last part, knowing it’ll make me cave.

I place one hand on either shoulder, leaning forwards. I don’t want to kiss my ex. This will make things awkward and weird between us.

I press my lips lightly against his, my mouth barely touching him. I hold the position for a second before pulling back.

How It's SaidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora