Chapter Three

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A/N: The guy on the right is Eric... Josh Beech... as recommended by GKSilver (Dedicated to in later chapter)

Chapter Three

Laying in my bed later that night I finally have the chance to really think over what the hell it is that I’ve agreed too. After Eric brought his brother into the principles office and had him explain everything that really happened Melissa got un-suspended. I was so relieved that she was back in school that for that moment it all seemed worth it to agree to Eric’s stupid deal.

Melissa was torn between being upset and being happy. She’d been tormented at school for so long that she hated going, but once I explained to her that Ethan- Eric’s little brother -would be her bodyguard of sorts for the rest of school, she perked up. Apparently she’s had a little crush on Ethan and being able to spend time with him was icing on the cake of not being suspended.

For me though, it was near hell. After Melissa got unsuspended Eric traded cell phone numbers with me with the promise of calling me later to set up our first exchange. I didn’t like the term “exchange”. It made me sound like a prostitute.

Rolling into a sitting position on my bed I rub my hands over my face, swiping my long locks out of my eyes. I kick the covers off and glance at the alarm clock on my side table. It’s nearing three am and I know I’m not going to get any sleep tonight. Rubbing my hands over my eyes I walk across my room to the window. What will Eric have me do, I wonder. I know he can’t force me to have sex with him or anyone else, but he’s a guy, what does he really want with me?

I get my answer a moment later as my cell phone buzzes.

I slide it open and read the text.

“Come outside- E” Two words and his initial. It doesn’t make me feel any better. A command at three am to come outside. What the hell does he want?

I shimmy out of my pajama shorts and pull on a pair of ripped jeans. I leave on my tank top and swiftly pull on a pair of sneakers, tying them tightly. I shove my phone into my back pocket, tie my hair up and walk downstairs. I exit through the backyard. I know Dad would hear if the front door opened, so I slowly open the door leading to the backyard, thankful that Dad oils the hinges every now and then or else it’d be squeaking.

I close the door quietly behind me and quickly climb the fence surrounding the yard. I can’t chance using the gate because I know that squeals so loud everyone in the neighborhood would hear it. Thankfully the fence isn’t high and my sneakers catch on the wood and give me support while I climb.

I huff as I hit the ground on the other side none too gently. I blow my bangs out of my face and rise to my feet. I spot Eric leaning against the side of my house. Even in the near dark I can see his smirk.

“Nice landing.” He states when I’m closer to him.

“Thanks, I’ve been working on it.”

“I could tell.” Eric states casually like it’s normal to be talking about sticking landings after hopping a fence at three o’clock in the morning.

I’m annoyed that Eric isn’t getting to the point and telling me why he’s here. I raise an eyebrow at him and say,

“Are you going to tell me what you want or are we going to stand out here until the sun rises.” I know that comes out bitchy but I can’t help it. It’s three am for God’s sake!

“Not nice, sweetheart.” Eric tisks. “No greeting? No, ‘How are you.’ Just a command to get on with it.” Eric shakes his head like he really can’t believe it.

I snap. This is not what I agreed to. “Okay, Eric, I’m glad you helped my sister out and I’m willing to uphold my end of the bargain, but I didn’t sign up to be annoyed at three o’clock in the fucking morning!” I yell, not caring if Dad can hear me from inside the house.

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