Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Anna’s POV

Sighing, I stretch my arms out to my sides. I’m warm, wrapped in plush blankets, a soft light shining in through the window. I smile as I remember Eric sleeping with me last night. He held me to him for most of the night with an arm wrapped around me just under my breasts. I love how his bare chest pressed hotly up against my back.

Throwing my arms out around me I frown as my hand comes in contact with a cold spot. It takes a moment for my mind to digest what it means. Eric. What the hell? I kick the covers off me, the blankets bunching around my knees. I can’t help the wave of emotions that come over me as I realize what’s happened. Eric left sometime during the night. He left before I woke up like some bad one night stand.

I cover my mouth with my hand and try to hold back tears. How could he?

Rubbing my face I hold my hands over my eyes. First Melissa now this.


Damn it.

I bolt upright in bed, frantic. What time is it? The clock reads twelve-o-six. Fucking hell. I shoot off the bed and slide on my slippers. My body instantly misses the warmth of the bed, or at least, that’s what I’m telling myself. Eric was gone long enough for his half of the bed to start to cool. Wait, his half? When did it become his half of the bed?

I shake my head, trying to clear it of stupid thoughts like Eric and beds. I need to check and see if Dad’s home, if he noticed there was a boy in my bed during the night, and what the hell Melissa is doing.

Melissa and Ethan. It makes me shake my head. I hope she’s making a good decision with that boy. Knowing his older brother personally, I know that the Rogers boys can be a handful. I hope Melissa is making the right choice where Ethan is concerned. I don’t want him pressuring her into doing something she doesn’t want to or need to be doing.

I open Melissa door on my way down the hall and realize it’s empty. My anger flares for a moment and I’m pissed. Why would she skip out? Does she think I’m mad at her? Oh, she’s gonna see mad…

I hear a soft, twinkling laughter and I frown. Melissa? I follow the noise, surprised that my sister is still home and is apparently talking with someone. I quickly reason out her talking to Dad because Melissa is in the teen faze where nothing your parents do is funny. Nothing they do is cool, period.

I follow her giggling into the kitchen where I’m shocked to find the one and only Eric Rogers standing in front of the stove flipping pancakes over a hot stove.

He cooks?

Melissa grins when he flips the pancake in the pan. He grins back at her before winking at me. I didn’t realize he’d noticed me standing here.

I take that as my queue to join in and I walk into the room. I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. I unscrew the cap and take a drink, propping my hip against the counter.

“Sleep well?” Eric inquires, quirking an eyebrow in my direction. I can’t fight the small smile that crosses my mouth. I arch my eyebrow in response.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Eric states, sliding a cooked pancake onto a plate. He passes it to me, urging me to sit down. I take the plate and sit on a barstool next to Melissa. I start drenching my pancakes in butter and syrup. I’m surprised when Eric sets the pan in the sink and wipes down the counter. Has he already eaten?

I cut into my pancakes and watch as Eric pulls the third barstool close to me and plops down. He pushes my hands out of the way and takes a bite of pancake. He lets out an exaggerated moan, his eyes fluttering with the sound. I roll my eyes at him, shaking my head.

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