Happy Endings: Asher

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Warm drinks and sweet treats ended up with us sitting in a café talking for hours. And then a couple more. We were so wrapped up in each other that by the time we realized how late it had gotten, it was time for dinner, and our stomachs agreed. So, we went to dinner. Some cute little Italian place just up the street. It was dark, and candlelit, and delicious, and once again, it seemed like we were the only two in the room. We didn't even watch all the other patrons leaving, or the fact that the staff was beginning to clean up around us. By midnight, they had to ask us to leave so they could finish up and I still wasn't ready to say goodnight. I had spent the last twelve consecutive hours with this woman, and I felt like it had been no time at all. It wasn't enough.

I was beginning to think there was no such thing as enough Dylan Harper.

I had never felt this at ease with anyone before. No one in my dating history, not friends, not even with my family. I was just comfortable, and I instantly had been with her. Well, at least after my apology for being a douchebag. Ever since then, it was just nice, and fun, and easy and... I was addicted to it. I was addicted to her.

The snow had continued for most of the day, so by the time we headed for her house, the roads were a bit less than enjoyable. Not that either of us minded the slower-than-usual drive back to Dylan's house. Gave us more time to talk, and laugh, and just... be together.

By the time I pulled up in Dylan's driveway, I felt like she knew me better than Ryder did, even though I'd known him most of my life. Something about this woman just screamed 'comfort' to me and I had no problems spilling every detail of my life up to this point. Hell, I hadn't spoken about my mother this much since she died. This girl was just... it was mind-blowing when I stopped to think about it. I felt like I'd known her for years, not a few weeks, and the only thing I knew for sure, was that I didn't want it to end. And apparently Dylan wasn't ready for the night to end either.

"You want the grand tour?" Dylan asked with a smile as we headed for the kitchen. She opened the fridge and stooped over, just enough for me to get a solid eyeful of her peach-shaped ass.

"If you're offering," I barely mumbled in response, unable to pull my gaze away.

I was in a complete daze until I heard Dylan laugh, and then I realized she was staring over her shoulder at me practically drooling. "See something you like?" she asked with a gleaming smile.

"You know that I do," I retorted, finally moving my eyes to her face.

She just shook her head and grabbed a couple of bottles before turning back around. "Alright, you. Let's do the tour." She cracked open both bottles and handed me one, tossing the caps away before all but bouncing into the living room. "This you've already seen."

I smirked as I tipped the bottle to my lips. "Can't say I really remember looking at much last night... other than you."

Dylan rolled her eyes. "Ugh. The cheese."

I laughed. "What? I'm just being honest!" I paused as she bent over to scratch Noodle's head. "This is a duplex, right? Is it weird knowing there's someone else just on the other side of that wall?"

"No, because she's not home."

"How do you know?"

Dylan straightened her posture and looked me directly in the eye. "Because I own the duplex and my cousin lives on that side, and she's touring Australia right now."


"She's... one of those Tik-Tok stars turned Pop Singers. She had a number one song last year..."

"What's her name?"

"Why? You looking to upgrade your Harper woman already?"

I snickered and took another drink, waving my head. "Definitely not. Pretty content with my version."

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