Silent Alarm: Dylan

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I did NOT want to be left alone with these idiots. I could tell by the way they watched Asher exactly what they thought had happen, but they were so off base, they weren't even in the same ballpark. That whole night may have not been much more than a blur at the present moment, but there was one thing I was certain of, and that was Asher.

The problem was that I couldn't even tell them who I thought it was. I didn't remember much of anything other than a black shape moving toward me, and obviously I couldn't even tell them that.

The male detective opened up a blank document on the iPad he'd brought in. "You can type or you can write with your finger, okay?" he stated, handing the tablet to me.

I nodded as the nurse, Amber, pulled up a chair next to my hospital bed. "I'm warning you now, Detectives," she stated, much calmer than I was currently feeling, "if you upset her, this conversation will be over. I'm not about to let you detract from Ms. Harper's healing."

The female detective nodded. "We have no intention of upsetting Ms. Harper. We just need to get a few answers."

Amber folded her arms over her chest. "If that heart rate monitor so much as ticks up..."

"I'm sure this won't be easy no matter what we do," the male detective interrupted. He gave Amber a condemning look and then focused his attention back on me. "Let's start with that day, alright? You were out with your brother?"

I nodded.

"Do you remember what time he brought you home?"

I used my index finger to scrawl "Around 4" on the tablet screen.

"And you were home alone?"

I nodded. I had been, not even Noodle was there.

"Mr. Wilde said you two had a date planned."

A nod.

"When was he supposed to arrive?"

"No set time. The storm was making it difficult."

"Did you have plans to go anywhere?"

I shook my head and scribbled: "Date night at home. He was bringing Chinese."

The male detective nodded his head. "Until that night, you two hadn't spoken for a few days. Can you tell me why?"

I rolled my eyes. I knew exactly what he was trying to do, but I wasn't about to let him. "It was NOT Asher."

"That isn't what I said. Why were you fighting?"

I rolled my eyes again simply because I couldn't make a snarky comment. "He hired a security guard to follow me without my knowledge and it upset me."

"Why would he do that?"

My face contorted into an expression that simply read 'Duh.' "I have a stalker? Probably why I'm in here right now, don't you think?"

The male detective chuckled at my sassy retort. "Do you remember anything from that night?"

I sighed and looked to Amber, who simply placed her hand over mine and squeezed. I took a deep breath and tried to think. Tried to remember. Tried to solve the mystery that night had left in my head.

"I was changing. I remember hearing noise downstairs. Thought it was my dog, but remembered  he was with Shayne."

"Good. Good. What else?"

I thought again. I remembered the power going out, so I typed that. I remembered lighting candles and showering in the dark. I remember picking out my skimpiest lingerie set and doing my makeup. I remembered hearing... "The front door."

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