Rejoining Society: Dylan

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"Oh my god, she lives!" Lita exclaimed as I sank into the stadium seat next to her.

It had been almost three weeks since Asher's and my two-day long date that still hadn't really ended. We'd become inseparable. He'd gone home a few times, to get clothes and basic necessities, but other than a few hours here and there, he'd been at my house. I'd crack jokes about how I hadn't signed up for a roommate, but truth be told, I liked having him around. Not just because of the sudden influx of incredible orgasms I was experiencing either. Something about Asher and I just worked. We'd watch tv and cuddle, or just goof around. I'd work on my laptop while he searched for jobs. We did everything together. Dates, grocery shopping, taking Noodle to the dog park down the street, everything.  Even doing the most menial tasks was better with Asher Wilde. He'd even started helping me with photos for my page. Granted, most of the time, he got some... shall we say, extra explicit ones for himself and it usually led to a pretty hot romp in the bedroom (or whatever room we happened to be in), but we were definitely having fun. Nothing provided inspiration like seducing the man of your dreams. Not that I had to try very hard. Asher was just as obsessed with me as I was with him, and after my relationship (or relationSHIT, rather) with Brock, this felt like heaven. Pure, glorious, sexy as sin heaven.

And don't even get me started how this man was suddenly MY dog's favorite human being on the planet. Noodle was more about Asher than even I was. They had quickly become thick as thieves. It pissed me off (or may me made me jealous) but I got it. Hell, Asher was my favorite human, too.

"Shut up," I commanded, though I could feel the heat of my cheeks betraying my desire to look indifferent. I don't know why I was even trying to disguise it. I had basically stopped any sort of social life since Asher and I started. I had never been the girl to just lose herself in a boy, but... if Asher was the ocean, I was drowning.  "I've talked to you like every day."

"Yeah, but I haven't SEEN you since Hawaii," Lita continued. "Who knew hooking you up with Pretty Boy Wilde would cause you to go into hiding?"

"Oh, like you had anything to do with it," I scoffed.

"It was my wedding!"

"Didn't you try to dissuade me from getting involved with him?"

"I think we're a little past that now. You practically live together."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and unwrapped the cherry Tootsie Pop I'd gotten at the concession stand, looking out over the ice. "I haven't been to a hockey game since college."

Yes, I was desperately trying to change the subject. So sue me.

"I try to get you to come with me all the time. Asher's back on the team for one game, and look who fuckin' shows up."

I just shrugged and stared at the empty ice. "Gotta support my man."

"Oh, he's your man now?"

"More than anyone else's," I smirked.

Across the rink Ryder and Asher's team began skating out. I thought it might be hard to figure out which one was Ash, but then this beanpole of a man skated out, head and shoulders above all the others, and I knew exactly which one was mine. God, he looked even taller on skates in the middle of the ice.

I jumped to my feet and began clapping and calling wildly. "Yeah, baby! Knock their teeth out!"

I watched Ryder nudge Asher who just shook his head and waved, definitely flushing completely pink under that helmet as the rest of the team taunted him. I put my pinkie fingers to my lips and let out a sharp, shrill whistle and Ash just shook his head, his smile glowing even with the helmet attempting to obstruct my view. Lucky for me I had memorized that grin a long time ago.

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