Sting of Betrayal: Dylan

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The next morning, I awoke to the sun shining brightly through Asher's bedroom window. Or maybe it was our bedroom now. I didn't know, but either way, an easy smile stretched my face as its warmth washed over me. I could hear the shower running, so I knew Asher was already up and getting ready to face the day. I wasn't sure what he had planned, but I knew Lita and I were having a girls' day: salon, nails, the works, and I was excited to get to it.

I closed my eyes and released a dreamy sigh. Maybe it sounds weird, but despite everything that I had happened, I had never been more content, more certain of my future.  I knew that no matter what laid ahead, I would have Asher beside me.

Guarding me.

Loving me.

He was so steadfast, so sure. It was mind boggling to think back to the uncertain, unconfident man I'd met in Hawaii. This Asher was different. He was strong. He was firm. He was mine. He was my rock.

Asher Wilde was everything I'd always told myself that I didn't need. For such a long time I thought that I deserved Brock's form of love, or perhaps, the lack thereof. I had resigned myself to believing that was the best I would ever get. I didn't think I had earned more. I didn't think I deserved it. And now, laying in Asher's bed, wrapped in his luxurious sheets, with the bright Chicago sun shining in, I finally knew how wrong I had been.

Suddenly I wanted everything all the love stories told us to want: marriage, my own family, a house of our own with dogs and kids and forever. And there was only one man I wanted it with. And despite never once speaking of such things, I knew Asher wanted it too. I didn't have to question. There was no need to ask. His actions spoke louder than words ever could.

I quietly rolled out of bed, not even waking Noodle as my bare feet padded across the floor. I poked my head around the doorframe that lead into the master bath and just stared at him for a moment.

Asher stood in the shower, covered only by the steam and water droplets on the glass door. His toned arms reached up, lathering his hair as the water sprayed down over him. His eyes were closed, a soft smile on his scruffy jaw as water glistened from every hard angle of his frame. The man was beyond gorgeous. Anyone with at least one eye could see that. But his beauty was so far beyond his looks. His mind, his soul, his heart was more beautiful than the abs or the crystal blue eyes... or at least on par with. I was only a living, breathing woman for Christ's sake.

Asher didn't even notice me until I pulled open the shower door a crack. Even though he was rinsing his hair, I saw the smile etch its way across his mouth. "What're you up to, dirty girl?" he asked, rubbing the suds from his face.

I just grinned as I wrapped my arms around his midsection. "I missed you," I murmured, pressing my lips against his spine before nuzzling my face against him.

I sighed happily as I felt his arms layer over mine, squeezing my embrace tighter. We stood there for a moment, just letting the water rain over us, before he turned in my arms, my cheek now pressed against his chest. Asher chuckled softly, before wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "I wanted to let you rest," he whispered, pressing his lips to the crown of my head. "I left you a note."

I looked up at him, eyes narrowed. "You were planning on leaving without saying goodbye?"

He smirked and brushed tendrils of my now wet hair from my face. "I wasn't sure what time Lita was picking you up."

"You still wake a bitch up and kiss her goodbye, you ass."

Asher laughed louder this time and tipped his chin, pressing his lips against my forehead. "Noted."

"What do you have planned for the day?"

Asher remained silent for a moment. A moment long enough to make me a bit nervous. "I, um..." he began but then stopped, stooping to grab the shampoo. He neglected to finish his sentence as his hands found my hips and turned me around. The next thing I knew, his fingers were working the apple scented soap into my hair.

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