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I btw just started to watch aot junior high and it's so fucking hilarious lmao. The characters are like in a poorly written ff, that is poorly written on accident. I srs can't with it lolll

„Why'd ya call that waiter an asshole?" I asked as we left the restaurant an hour later. Mikasa let out an annoyed groan.  „He hit on me" she answered and I stopped in my tracks, for some strange reason I felt anger bubbling up in me. „I told him multiple times to leave me alone, but he just wouldn't", she made an awkward stop, she also stopped walking and turned to look at me, seeing that I wasn't beside her, she turned around in confusion, just to see me standing a few meters behind her. I ran up to her, feeling slightly embarrassed and we continued walking. „So...?" I asked curiously and turned my head in her direction, just to see her looking down on the ground in thoughts. „So, what?"  she asked, obviously confused and looked up from the ground. „Well you didn't finish your story", I explained, ignoring my buzzing phone in my pocket. Mikasa seemed to remember and titled her head slightly. „Oh yeah, I told him that you and I are dating, so he'd leave me alone", my face dropped and I stopped in my tracks again. Staring at her. Not just because of the fact that she lied to that weird waiter about dating me, but also because he wouldn't leave her alone, until she told him she was in a relationship. „Some people just can't take a no", Mikasa said wisely, she had stopped as well. „Yeah", I mumbled, gritting my teeth and feeling the anger from before boiling up again. I heard her sight again and I truly started to feel sorry for her. Then we continued walking in silence back to the campus. I felt the need to say something as we passed the front gate, I felt bad and wanted to cheer her up. Though Inwas bad at cheering people up. „Wish the dating part was real though", I then said, trying to break the weird silence. Mikasa gave me a weird look, ignoring what I just said, while opening the door to the building. Now the silence was really awkward and it got more awkward as we stepped into the empty elevator. „I am sorry for not noticing", I then tried it again, while leaning against the elevator mirror. Mikasa, who was leaning next to me shrugged. „You were in thoughts, so no worries", then the doors opened and we walked in our apartment, you could tell from the outside that people were talking in it. As I opened the door, I saw our whole friend group, sitting in the small living room and chit chatting. You could tell that the weekend already had started for them. But, even though they were all really loud, they did somehow manage to hear the door open and immediately everyone turned around to look at Mikasa and I standing in the doorframe. „Look who finally has arrived", ymir said, snickering at us. One of her arms was of course around historia. I shook my head, already feel annoyed by the people. „If you want we can leave again", Mikasa whispered and just as I was about to respond I got grabbed on my collar by Eren. „So you guys are dating now?" he asked and gave me a judging look as he was pulling me so close to his face, that our noses were almost touching. „Jeez, calm down, how the fuck should I date someone I barely know?" I asked back and Eren dropped me to the floor, but not because of free will, it was because Jean and Macro has grabbed him and pulled him back. „There was absolutely no reason to do that", I grumbled and took my jacket off, I let it fall to the ground and then I joined Reiner and Berthold, who were sitting on The couch.

Somewhat romantic (mikasa x genderneutral reader chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now