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It was Friday, a pretty cold friday and to anyone's surprise and mine I was in a pretty good mood, I wasn't exactly tired but I still seemed off and in thoughts. Well maybe it was because I sat between Floch and Eren at a dinner table, I didn't know how I ended up there, but I was pretty uncomfortable but maybe it was because I didn't eat the dinner on my plate, I was too focused to stare at Mikasa again. How she simply talked with Sasha, she seemed happy and relaxed and that relaxed me as well. It seemed like she did feel my staring, then she was turning her head in my direction, I wasn't prepared for that so I just smiled softly and turned to talk with Marco, who looked like he wanted to say something. „You're so quite today", he stated and I nodded, not really knowing an answer to that. Marco frowned at me, but then chose to ignore it and turned his attention back to Connie and Jean, continue talking with them. And I had to listen to Flochs and Erens weird blabbering, I tried not to pay attention to them, distracting myself with drinking some wine. (Note: they can legally drink) „y/n, what I meant to ask", I raised my hand so Floch would stop talking, but he didn't get the hint and just continued. „Do you have a thing for Mikasa? You had been staring at her for a while now", I shot out of my thoughts and noticed that he was right, I had been staring at her again, without noticing it. I still rolled my eyes and then a smudge smile appeared on my face. „Oh, you didn't hear?" I ask, seeing how I got his interest and my smirk widened. „We have been", I made a small pause and giving him a knowing look, „...for a while now, I hope you know what I mean",

I knew exactly that the rumor would spread in no time, back then I didn't care, I thought I could just act like it was a mistake. „Oh, I meant we had been talking for a while now", I'd say, but well it didn't exactly work how I wanted.

Floch face dropped and he gave me a surprised look, gladly Eren wasn't paying attention to our little chat. I hid the grin behind my glass of wine and looked through the room.

The restaurant was indeed pretty and sadly stuffed with people. Most of them sat on the long table I sat on too, though I still did notice how two of them were missing. „Huh, where did Ymir and Historia go?" I asked pretty loud so everyone could hear me, they all turned their heads into the direction where the both of the were supposed to sit. „Toilet?" Armin suggested and I smirked, but before I could say anything, Reiner was already talking. „And what do you think their doing in the bathroom?" he asked, also grinning, but then he got a slap on the back of his head from no other than Berthold, what surprised anyone. „Reiner stop thinking like a 12 year old", Annie told him with a cold look and you could see how Reiner shrunk back under her gaze, I had to chuckle a little. Then decided that it was time for me to go, my mood had quickly changed and I just wanted to leave. „I think I might go", I said standing up, my friends gave me a confused look, that quickly turned in a worried one. „Y/n Are
you okay, you didn't even touch your food", I made a dismissing hand move while turning to Sasha. „Don't worry, I am just tired, you can have my food if you want", I cracked a weird smile, I was confused myself. I'm probably overwhelmed by all this noise. I thought as I put on my jacket and left the restaurant. Luckily it wasn't that far away from the campus, maybe ten minutes.

I let out a sight and lowered my pace, I didn't notice the tears that ran down my face, I didn't notice how my head got heavier and started to hurt, I was just paying attention to the dark night sky, glad about the fact that the campus wasn't in the middle of the small city, so you could easily see the stars. My thoughts turned to Mikasa, I honestly felt bad, how could I like someone like her, knowing that I am not good enough for her? She deserves better, Annie was right back then. I sighed, then I felt my phone buzz in my pockets and I pulled it out.

Mikasa :)

- should I bring you some food

dw abt it -

- but you need to eat.

it's fine mikasa, dw really -

- i'll bring you smth anyway

knew you'd say that ;) -

- yk me better as I thought

ofc, you're the first thing on my
Mind in the morning and the
last thing when I go to sleep😏😏 -

- lol.

C'mon that was good!!!🙏🙏 -

- I just wish it was true

what? -
seen 09:56
mikasa?! -
😳😳 -
seen 09:57
okay that was smooth -


I barely heard the small knock on my door, but then it creaked open, revealing Mikasa, peaking inside. As she saw that I was still awake, she stepped inside. „Is something wrong?" I asked and gave her a curious look as she walked over to my desk and put some plastic box on it. „I told you, I'd bring food", I had to smile at her. cute. I thought. „What was that?" Mikasa turned around and leaned against my desk, holding one of my paintings in her hands, admiring my work while waiting for an answer. „I didn't say anything", I answered and looked embarrassed to the side. Did I say that out loud? I turned my attention back on the sketch I was drawing for my next essay. Then suddenly my view was blocked by the plastic box Mikasa had put on my desk a few Minutes ago. „Eat", she ordered and I looked up at her, a joking and somehow serious flirtatious smile on my face. I hummed as I grabbed the box and sat up, taking the fork and knife she was giving me. „No one cares so weird like you, I like it", I grinned and turned my head to the right, where Mikasa had taken a seat next to me on my small bed. She rolled her eyes, but I could see the small smile that tugged in her lips and just leaned a bit closer. „Eat already", my smirk just widened, if she gave me opportunity to use some bad pick up lines, I would obviously use them. „I would rather taste those pretty lips of yours", Mikasa just flicked my forehead and was about to stand up and leave. „Hey, wait! Don't go!" a smirk now made its way to her lips. „I won't if you stop the bad pick up lines", I rolled my eyes at her and slightly fake pouted. „Fine, as Long you stay I am okay with it", though I didn't meant it to sound flirty it kinda did, but Mikasa chose to ignore it and sat down on the chair at my desk, looking at the paintings and drawings on it. While I was admiring her doing it, eating at the same time.

Somewhat romantic (mikasa x genderneutral reader chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now