02. Forest trails.

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          I bit my bottom lip and tried not to run with my mouth open like Sid from the Ice Age film.  It was not so much as I was scared of that guy, it’s just that I got this feeling right in the pit of my stomach and it feels so foreign that anyone in my situation would be worse off.

         He was roughly forty-five miles from me on the opposite road, and I could just slink past him without being noticed but the big problem was the bus which I have to catch would stop directly opposite to him.  So, if I were to walk to that stand and wait there for the bus, he would notice me for sure.  It was not just a hunch; it felt like a real thing, the foreign feeling in my stomach said so.

          And speaking about the bus, if I missed this one, next would not be here at least for half an hour, and my good seemed to plummet with the thought of wasting time.   

         I chanced a glance behind me and saw the said bus turning the corner.

        I glanced back at the blond and saw him looking at the mall entrance with his hands in his pocket.  I looked back and forth and an insane idea started to take root in my brain. 

       If I was able to run with the bus to the stand then I could just board the bus without him even noticing I was there.  The only thing was that the people on this side of the sidewalk would eye me warily but they would also think that I was just running to catch up with the bus.


         I watched as the bus neared the place where I was standing and another reasonable thought struck me.  He may not even be looking for me or would know that I worked there.  Now that I thought about it, I felt stupid.  Like the stupidest person ever alive.

        How could I conclude about a guy that I didn’t even look for a mere minute and accuse him of stalking me?  He may not even know I exist.  He could have just seen some advertisement at the side of the bus instead of me.  There were many possibilities. 

       And I also didn’t know why my heart was beating wildly at the thought of him seeing me.  I was sure that I lost my mind somewhere between my house and the bus stand. 

        I was sure one paranoid bitch, but what surprised me, even more, was, I was never like that.  Sure, like any other girl, I would check if someone was following me late in the night or on a deserted road, but that was it.  This whole ordeal was confusing the fuck out of me. 

       I decided that, even with the odds, I would just run with the bus.

        I tried to keep up with the bus and it was not exactly a hardship.  I was an athlete through and through and the only expensive thing I invested in was my sneakers.  So I glided on the sidewalk with light steps.  It didn’t hurt that the bus was not moving fast. 

       Just as I thought, I reached the stand with the bus and got on when the door opened.  I was winded.

         Going to the backseat of the fairly free bus, I decided to look at the blond one more time.  Because I knew I would not be able to see him again, and I just want to memorize how he looked.  For safety purposes.

        Liar, a snide voice commented at the back of my mind.  I ignored it. 

        I clutched my bag’s strap when I saw Shanice walk down the steps and walk towards the guy.

         She looked surprised that he was there but she hugged him to his body like one would when they haven’t seen each other in a long time or… hugged like one’s lover.  The word twisted my insides. 

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