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"And if we paint a perfect picture, we can make it last forever"


When Amelia got home she sat through dinner only thinking about one thing.


The girl still didn't believe he actually liked her. She wanted to talk more about their feelings. There just wasn't a chance to bring it up yet since the conversation they had before they just began to be flirty with each other. (Which was progress).

She just couldn't wait to see him again. She wanted to be around him all day; it was just something he did to her.

She liked feeling the butterflies in her stomach every time he placed his hands on her.

Amelia tried her hardest not to think about it but every time she wasn't talking to her parents all she could do was think about him.

Until she excused herself from the table and headed upstairs and set her phone down and facetimed maddy.

She waited for her to pick up which she did immediately. She looked like she was getting ready in her room.

"Hey bitch what's up" maddy answered the phone while she put mascara on.

"I have to tell you something, so earlier when I was with Kat when we went to Fez and ash. She had already left and all the sudden ash leaves too so I'm like shit I guess I'm leaving too and just as I'm about to walk out he takes my wrist and just pulls me towards him..."

"Oh my god did you guys kiss?!" Maddy interrupted her, now having her full attention on the phone.

"No but I think we were about to but then ash walked in so I left but I want to go back there so badly I don't know what to do" Amelia laid on the bed holding her phone up.

"Well first of all don't do that it'll just be embarrassing and second of all pick me up tomorrow we'll go to the store just tell your parents you're picking me up so they don't ask too many questions" maddy explained to Amelia.

"I literally love you so much"

"Just trying to help you get that dick"

"Okay maddy this is where I hang up"

"I was leaving anyways I'm going out with nate love you though see you tomorrow bye"

"Bye love you too"

Once the call ended Amelia went through her phone and ended up on Fezcos chat.

She wanted to be around him so badly. The way they were so touchy with each other made her go crazy she wanted so see the limits he had.

Now Amelia never texted first but today she decided to do it which made fez shocked.

Tuesday 7:26 pm

Hi :)

Hey Amy wassup

Just wanted to talk to you

Fr? About?

Nothing can I not talk to you without having a reason?

Damn ma my bad

I just like talking to you


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