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"I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay"


Amelia and Fezco were taking things slow. Really slow. I mean I don't know if they were. They should've been back together by now but Amelia seemed to still be pushing him away.

Except for the constant flirting and the FaceTime calls. No but seriously I don't know how their phones hadn't exploded yet.

They hadn't really seen each other in person since the day Fezco apologized.

Part of it was because Amelia was way too busy with the winter formal at school but every night they would FaceTime.

Fezco noticed Amelia was being different to him. Not distant but he was getting to know a version of her he didn't know but the rest of us already knew.

He liked the new Amelia; she didn't care about the things she did around him like she used to.

What he didn't like was the fact she was treating him like a friend or at least that's what it felt like.

In reality Amelia was trying to see if they still worked which they did since she was getting way more comfortable around him.

Amelia did want to start dating him again but them being friends just seemed way more easy and I know relationships aren't supposed to be easy they are supposed to have ups and downs but that's bullshit. We are all scared to get hurt.

And that was Amelia's case. She wanted to keep it that way because it was safe and didn't want to take risks but in reality she was just hurting herself more.

"Isn't the winter dance shit on Saturday?" Fezco asked while he watched the girl sit on her vanity while she practiced makeup looks on the phone.

"Yeah..." she replied while she added foundation to her face.

"That's why you've been doing makeup this much?"

"I have to get the perfect look..." Amelia smirked and looked down to her phone to see him.

"Is that Amy?" She heard Ash's voice on the phone.

"Hey ash" she said and fez turned the phone to Ashtray.

"Aye what you doing"

"Make up and waiting for legacies to come in the tv"

"What's that? Is it good?"

"Not really it's a spin off of the vampire diaries it's not that good but I watch it only because sometimes they mention stuff about the originals or like the Salvatores and stuff"

"Oh! Talking about that we in season four that new bitch Hayley getting on my fucking nerves!"

"Hey! Watch it Hayley is a queen I love her" Amelia warned him.

"What?! How she barely been on screen and when she is she be backstabbing people. She's hot but she need to chill"

"What episode are you on?"

"I think seventeen"

"Yeah just keep watching trust me you'll like her"

"Bet I'm finna go right now"

"Bye" Amelia waited for him to leave then the phone went back to fez. Both of them smiled at each other then she looked back up to her mirror.

Now maddy had told Amelia to tell Fezco to go to the dance with her since they were letting them invite a plus one. Amelia obviously said no but then she continued to think about it. She did want Fezco to go.

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