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"And all the times you wasn't chosen, well, I'll make it up to you"


After the incident at Fezcos house Amelia headed home.

When she got there she sat on her bed for a second rethinking everything that had happened.

She couldn't believe that both of them were fine and then just like that everything changed.

Part of her just refused to believe fez actually would end things with her just like that which is why she thought that by the next day everything would be fine between them.

She didn't really go into it too much knowing she would end up overthinking and making a bad scenario in her head like she always did.

She couldn't make a scene out of it, this was Fez.

He didn't deserve her bitch fit when the argument started off about something serious.

Something both of them did have to think about. But she didn't.

She didn't understand why Fez thought he wasn't enough which is what made it worse and showed how privileged she was.

The next two days she found herself hanging out a lot with maddy, Cassie, Lexi and Andrew, even Nate at times.

Monday she woke up and the first thing she did was look at her phone expecting a text from fez as always but sighed as soon as she remembered their argument.

She thought maybe he still needed some time to think which is what she let him do. When she got to school the first person she told was Lexi which made her pause for a second. Suddenly Lexi had become maddy.

Amelia didn't want to make a big deal out of it but the distance between her and maddy was starting to upset her.

She loved how close she was becoming to Lexi but also missed Maddy like crazy.

Once the last hour arrived Lexi and Amelia were talking about some movie when Andrew decided to join in the conversation. Usually this would make them annoyed but he was actually making valid points about the movie. When class ended Amelia walked to practice with Andrew.

He was surprised she was actually talking to him. She usually ignored him really hard or tried to say anything to shut down the conversation but she hadn't noticed how funny he actually was.

While they walked to the football field Andrew probably made her laugh more than any other person had in a while.

When they arrived Nate looked at them with a proud smile like he had accomplished something. Maddy just looked at her weirdly but decided not to ask anything at the moment.


The next day it was the last hour again and Lexi and Amelia were talking about their project due on Thursday. Which again Andrew included himself into.

"You guys have civics together?" He asked turning on his seat making the two girls stop talking and turned to him.

"Yeah we were talking about the project she assigned" Lexi replied.

"Could I probably join you guys group?"

"I guess you can..." Amelia sighed. "Tomorrow my house before practice"

"I'll be there" Andrew replied and got up from his seat to turn in his work.

"You want to spend the night today?" Amelia asked Lexi which made her turn with a shocked face. She had never spent the night at someone's house other than Rue.

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