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"In a perfect world
You're understanding, I'm not a perfect girl"


The next day, Maddy and Amelia went to school as normal.

Amelia wore a sweater to hide the bruises on her arms that were now very noticeable.

Maddy didn't question it until at night when they were about to go to sleep and Amelia was wearing a hoodie.

"Why are you wearing that?" She asked just as she was about to get on the bed.

"What? I'm cold" Amelia replied vaguely, not trying to make a big deal out of it.

"Amelia I know that even if it's freezing in here you don't like sleeping with pants or long-sleeve shirts on so what's wrong?" Maddy sat on the bed waiting for her to explain.

"I'm fine just go to sleep"

"Amelia if it's a hickey it's fine I won't snitch"

"It's not, even if it was you wouldn't be able to see so just go to sleep maddy please" Amelia went to turn around but maddy used her hand to stop her placing it on her arm making Amelia wince since her arms were still sore.

Maddy scrunched her brows seeing she had hurt her but she hadn't even touched her that bad.

"Amelia take this off" maddy spoke in a serious tone. "I'm serious take it off"

When Amelia saw she wasn't letting it go she took the hoodie off revealing the bruises on her arms and wrist. Maddy looked at them and inspected them seeing how it was basically a hand mark on her.

"Who did this?" Maddy asked in a softer tone now.


Maddy paused and then sighed "Why?"

"So i wouldn't say anything he threatened me to tell my dad about Fez and other stuff" Amelia replied.

"I'm so sorry"

Maddy felt bad about involving Amelia but there was nothing she could do. She knew Nate would win if they pressed even more charges.

At school nobody really questioned her clothes. She tried her best to stay away from fez knowing if she was with him he would see them. Lexi asked a couple of times if she was okay which Amelia always responded to with an. 'I'm fine'

Amelia really thought she could get away with everything and forget about it until her mom showed up at home on Wednesday when they weren't supposed to get there until Thursday.

Once Amelia heard the door open and heard her mom calling out for her she was with maddy in the kitchen. Amelia didn't have a sweater on and her bruises were still noticeable. First thing she did was put a blanket on. She still thought she could hide them.

Both of them paused and watched Amelia's mom walk in, setting the baby's car seat on the floor. She didn't say anything, she just looked at Maddy with a blank face.

"Your mom is outside maddy she wants you to go home" Anna said in a serious tone.

"No I can't go, you don't understand..." Maddy tried to convince her.

"I know, just go and alejandro will be there later and he will bring you back just please go, please maddy"

Maddy looked at Amelia then to Anna with a sad face. Amelia sent her an apologetic look with the blanket still wrapped around her. Maddy got up and started to walk out to the entrance.

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