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I WOKE UP TO an empty bed. The penthouse was silent. I sat up and listened for any signs of Darcy. When I couldn't hear anything I sprung from the bed and immediately started searching the house.

I had checked every single room and there was not a single trace of her. I walked back into the bedroom and paced back and forth. I looked up and noticed her bag was missing. I froze. My eyes flashed over to the nightstand where I had set my gun down before going back to sleep. It was missing as well. I ran to the living area and my keys were gone as well. I pulled out my phone and called Luca immediately.


"Darcy is missing. I want everyone on this."

"Where are you?"

"Waco, Texas."

"We're on it, I'll call you with any updates."

I ended the call and dialed Tony's number.

"'Sup boss?"

"Darcy is gone."


"She's missing. I don't know if she was taken or if she left. Her bag is gone, my gun is gone, and my keys are gone."

I heard Tony sigh on the other line.

"Fuck Colt, any idea where she was headed?"

"Well, I was hoping she was with you and her mother in Montana but I'm assuming she's not."

"No boss, I'm sorry. I haven't heard from her. Let me get in contact with a few people and I'll call you back."

I hung up the phone and ran my hands through my hair. Fuck, Darcy. Where the hell are you? I quickly got dressed, throwing on a t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my bags and headed for the front door. I stopped by the key rack hanging in the entryway. My buddy who owned the penthouse left his car keys here. I snagged them off of the holder and made a mental note that I definitely owed him a favor now.

I took the elevator down to the car. I threw my bag in the trunk and climbed into the driver's seat of the BMW. I started the car and sped through the lot. I decided to head north hoping this was the same route Darcy took. I got about fifteen minutes down the road when I got a call from Luca.

"Luca, what have you got?"

"Your car was found wrecked in Alvarado. Lots of blood, but Darcy wasn't found."

"Motherfucker!" I smacked both hands on the steering wheel.

"Colt, I'm still waiting to hear back from a few more of my guys. I'll call you once I know more."

I hung up and floored it all the way to Alvarado.

I drove into the small town and noticed a small crowd of people and a shit ton of yellow crime scene tape. I slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car. I ducked under the crime scene tape and felt my mouth go dry when I saw my overturned car in the road. I walked over to the driver's side and saw a large dent.

She was ambushed.

I clenched my jaw so hard I'm surprised I didn't break my teeth. I jumped back into the car and took off, the tires squealing as I accelerated. I dialed Luca once again.

"Luca, she was taken. It looked like an ambush. The car rolled and had a large dent on the driver's side. The Irish must've spotted her, wrecked the car on purpose and took Darcy with them."

"Okay Bishop, let me call a few people and I'll see if I can find out exactly who has her and where." Luca ended the call immediately and I dialed Tony's number to give an update.

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