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COLT SMILED WIDELY WHEN I accepted his proposal. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed his lips to mine and his hands wandered to my ass, giving it a firm squeeze. I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat to the left of me. Colton broke our kiss to turn his head in their direction. Marco stood there looking completely awkward as he struggled to find something to do with his hands.

"Uh, I'm sorry for interrupting. I just received word that Quinn is awake and willing to talk. I figured you both would like to join me." Colton dropped me to my feet.

"You're damn right, let's go," I called over my shoulder as I stomped down the hallway. A part of me pitied Quinn. She was always kind and friendly towards me. I had to remind myself that she wasn't my friend and only acted that way towards me just to get information.

I heard the footsteps of Marco and Colt behind me. I stepped outside of the hotel doors and took a deep breath. The clouds that loomed around the Seattle skyline had cleared and the warm sun rays met my skin. Colton's hand found mine and led me towards Marco's car. I slipped into the backseat and Colt sat down beside me. The drive was silent other than the soft music coming from the radio. My thoughts consumed me and I didn't realize I was chewing on my lower lip until I tasted blood.

I was on edge but furious at the same time. As the car slowed, I felt anxiety pit in my stomach. Marco pulled into the employee parking lot and Colt exited the car before giving me his hand and helping me out. We followed Marco to the entrance. I had never been to this club before. I looked up at the sign on the building and squinted my eyes as I read it. Peccatori.

Colton followed my gaze to the sign. "Sinner," He said out loud.

We entered through the side doors, and I discovered that this wasn't a regular night club, but a strip club. My eyes scanned the room. I saw beautiful women dancing on stages surrounded by important looking men in suits.

There was a huge bar that ran almost the entire length of the room. Four bartenders stood behind it, each of them busy mixing drinks or pouring beer. We followed Marco through the kitchen and into the manager's office. Once inside he approached a door and opened it with a key.

The door opened and revealed a set of stairs leading down into darkness. Marco descended the stairs first. I filed in behind him then Colt followed in after me. Marco flipped a switch and dim lights illuminated the room. Quinn sat tied to a metal chair behind iron bars, my heart wrenched when I saw her bruised and bloodied face.

She looked up at us and grinned. She could only see out of one eye since the other had swollen shut. Her curly red hair sprung wildly out of the top of her head.

"Hello, Darcy. I didn't expect to ever see you again," She said cheerfully.

"Do not speak to her," Colt snarled.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "I know how this works. You're going to kill me anyway. Ask your questions and get it over with."

"How are you tied in with Conor?" Marco spat.

"My real name is Quinn Murphy. I'm Declan and Conor's sister."

My mouth dropped open and a cold chill ran down my spine. I looked back at her face. Her red hair matched the shade of Conor's almost perfectly. She shared a similar facial structure to both Conor and Declan. I kicked myself for not noticing sooner.

"That's how they knew," I whispered.

"You're a bright girl, Darcy. When I first started working at Bishop Inc. my intentions weren't to cause physical harm to anyone, I was just an inside source for my brothers. When I met you, I thought we could actually be friends. Once we found out about Barrett being dead and I heard that he had attacked you, I knew it was your fault he was killed," Quinn said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I invited you back to Seattle and immediately reported to my brothers that you would be in my hands in less than 24 hours. They gathered a team together and headed west, hoping to capture you. You're lucky Colton was nosey and stepped in. If you stayed at my house that night, you would've been dead by morning." I glanced over at Colt. His hands were balled into fists at his side and his jaw was clenched tightly.

"Colton told me he would be out of the office for the day since you two were headed to Waco. It was a trap all along. We tried to lure you down by keeping your mom hostage, but you outnumbered my guy there and were able to take him down. We had eyes on you in the hotel that you and Bishop stayed in. We saw you leave by yourself, and Declan followed you," She continued. "Declan always enjoyed playing games but he made the wrong move by calling Colton and letting him know where you were. He should've just killed you and taken the money when he had the chance. As for Conor, that was clever the way you handled the masquerade. You won this by pure luck." Colton took long strides across the room. He slammed open the door to the cell and wrapped his hands around Quinn's neck.

"No. It wasn't luck. You were careless and sloppy. Where are the others?" Colton hissed and tightened his grip around her neck. Quinn coughed and gasped for air.

"They're back east," She choked out, "I'm the last one in Seattle. They are too afraid to retaliate at the moment." Colton let go of her neck and grabbed his gun from his hip and held it to her head. Quinn began trembling. I wasn't sure if it was out of fear or adrenaline. Colton looked at me for a moment, but I couldn't bear to look back. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned around. He squeezed the trigger, and a loud gunshot rang through the room. I kept my back to them so I wouldn't see Quinn's body.
"I'll have someone come by and clean this up. You both should get out of here." Marco said as he tossed his keys to Colton. Colt placed his hand at the small of my bed and led me up the stairs.

Remorse, guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, relief, distress. All of these emotions ran through me at the exact same time. Silent tears slipped down my face and I wasn't sure exactly how I felt.

Remorse for her death. Guilt for feeling responsible. Anger and hatred for her betrayal. Sadness for losing what I thought was a friend. And worst of all, relief. I felt relieved that she was dead, and I hated myself for it.

As we walked through the club, my sobs and his bloody shirt received a few stares, but Colton didn't care. We loaded up into Marco's car. Colton leaned over and tucked my hair behind my ear before kissing me softly.

"Let's go," He said, then threw the car in drive and sped out of the parking lot.

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