Ashes 🔥

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A RUMBLING NOISE woke me from my sleep.

I opened my eyes, still in Colton's bed but he was nowhere to be found. The rumbling grew louder and the floor shook. I sat up immediately and stood from the bed.

The ground quaked so violently it nearly knocked me over. I placed my hand on the night stand and steadied myself before sprinting to the bedroom door. I jerked it open and was greeted with a blast of heat as smoke started filing into the room. I covered my nose and mouth with my elbow and coughed, trying to clear the fumes from my lungs.

"Colt?" I ran down the hallway towards the guest bedroom and flung the door open.


I started to panic. My eyes stung from the smoke and I coughed each time I tried to inhale. I turned out of the bedroom and ran back down the hallway to the stairs. The smoke was so heavy I could hardly see. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I blinked rapidly, trying to alleviate the dryness of my eyes. The windows of the living room had been blown out and the entire downstairs of Colton's condo was engulfed in flames.

"Colt!" I screeched.

I still couldn't find him. I maneuvered my way through the blazing living room. Ashes flew onto my shirt and left tiny burn holes behind. I coughed again, my chest burning and desperate for oxygen. The smoke was incredibly thick, it engulfed everything in darkness. I couldn't find the front door. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled. My eyes burned so badly I couldn't open them but for a few seconds and had to feel the way to the door with my hands. I reached up and grabbed the handle. I swung the door open and crawled out to the hallway. It wasn't in much better shape than Colton's living room. It was still clouded with smoke and looking to the left of me I could see flames coming from the door of the condo next to us.

I grabbed the wall and helped myself to my feet as the building shuddered again. I pulled the neckline of my shirt up over my nose and mouth to try and soften the burning in my throat.

I kept my hand against the wall to help guide me to the staircase. Once I reached it, I mustered all of my strength and hauled ass to the first floor.

The building shook violently. I looked up and saw cracks beginning to form on the walls and ceiling. I ran as fast as I could to the front doors of the building. I pulled them open and tumbled onto the cement, gasping as I was finally able to fill my lungs with fresh air.

I forced open my burning eyes and looked down at my hands on the sidewalk. When I had fallen out of the building, I landed right on top of graffiti that was painted in green. I stood up to get a better look and my mouth fell open. It was the Irish mark. The fucking Irish did this.

I heard the building groan behind me and felt a pair of hands on my waist as they picked me up and ran with me to safety across the street. I watched in horror as the building collapsed and condensed to rubble. My legs gave out and the same set of strong hands kept me upright. I looked up and saw hazel eyes. I traced my fingers across Colt's face and silently thanked God he was okay.

I could see his lips move as he spoke to me but the only thing I could hear was the ringing in my ears. I turned around and desperately clung to his shirt, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me to his chest tightly.

In that moment I forgave him for everything. I would follow him to the end of the Earth if he asked me to.

The ringing in my ears started to fade and I could begin to hear muffled voices and screams. I looked back up at Colt who was shouting at someone on the phone.

"The Irish," I mumbled. Colt immediately put his phone down and grabbed my face in both of his hands.

"Darcy, what?"

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