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I WATCHED AS COLTON slammed the door shut. I heard the click of a lock from the outside. I immediately flew to my feet and sprinted towards the door. I yanked on the handle and confirmed that he did lock me in. I started pounding and scratching on the solid wood door. I beat so hard my knuckles were starting to crack open, blood flowed down my hands and to my wrists.

"Colton!" I screamed as loudly as I could. I stepped back and took a deep breath. "Colt, please don't do this to me, I don't want revenge. There's no plan, just please don't leave me!" I said softer this time while continuing to pummel my hands on the door in a poor attempt to break it down.

I heard his footsteps recede down the hallway. Sobs racked through my chest, making it hard to breathe. My arms still thrashed violently against the door, leaving cuts and bruises along them in the wake. My pleas continued until I eventually crumpled into a heap on the floor, passing out from exhaustion.

I woke to the sound of the door unlocking, I scrambled across the floor of the room and collapsed into a corner. Still naked, I clutched my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around them.

Colton walked into the room carrying a platter. He looked into my eyes, and I immediately looked away and stared at the blank wall beside my head. He dropped the plate onto the bed and the aroma of food filled the room. My stomach growled but the thought of eating made me want to vomit.

Colt turned around to exit the room and halted when he noticed my bloody handprints on the back of the door. He spun back around to take another glance at me while I cowered further into the corner and gripped my knees closer to my chest, still refusing to make eye contact. He yanked the door open and slammed it shut, the sound made me jump. I heard the click of the lock turning again.

I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the bed. I pulled the comforter off as the food Colton brought me clattered to the floor. I returned back to the corner of the room and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. I laid my head against the cold drywall and sobbed until I eventually fell asleep.

Days and nights passed. I remained in the same spot. Colton continued to bring food, but I still couldn't find my appetite. The heels of my palms were raw and bloodied from where I dug my nails into them every time I saw him. All of my fight had left my body, so I just laid there, imprisoned by the man I loved.



It tore me apart to see the state of Darcy each time I entered the room to bring her food. She refused to eat but I continued to bring meals in hopes she would change her mind. I even brought a change of clean clothes for her to put on, but she didn't move, she just laid in the corner of the room and refused to even look at me.

Luca agreed with me that we needed to keep her confined until we were able to prove her intentions. The mafia didn't take potential threats lightly.

Luca called me and said that he would like to set up a meeting with Tony and I. Tony picked me up from my condo and we headed towards one of Capano's hotels. As we drove Tony spoke.
"Do you really think Darcy could be up to something?"

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I don't know, Tony. I believe her, but there's a tiny voice in my head screaming at me to not fully trust her."

Tony nodded silently.

It didn't take long to reach the hotel. The receptionist gave us directions to Luca's office. Once we arrived outside the double doors the guard standing in front of them nodded at us and allowed Tony and I to enter. Luca stood and gestured for us to sit in the armchairs in front of his desk.
"Darcy has no criminal record. She graduated valedictorian at her high school, went to Baylor University and graduated with a degree in MBA. She had never left Texas before she moved to Philadelphia. I had some of my men question her mother. Betty didn't know specific details. She knew what state he was in, that he had killed a man, and that he was shot and later died. S.W.A.T. kept details and identities under wraps," Luca said.

"So, you don't think she was targeting us?" I questioned.

"I don't, Colt. I think she just accidentally got mixed in with the wrong people. She met you completely by chance." My heart wrenched as I thought about all the suffering I had put her through just to find out she was innocent.

"Thanks, Capano. We've got to go." I stormed out of his office as Tony struggled to keep up with my pace. I climbed into the driver's seat of the car. Tony hardly had time to sit before I was speeding off through Seattle back to my home. We made it back to my apartment and I jumped out of the car. Tony followed suit and I turned towards him.

"I need to do this alone."

He stayed behind as I took long strides into my building. I rode the elevator up to my floor and sprinted to my front door. I quickly punched in the key code and entered my house, throwing the door shut behind me. I ran up the stairs taking two at a time. I found myself in front of the guest bedroom door. I unlocked it to find Darcy still huddled in the corner.

I hurried over to her and scooped her up into my arms. Her body remained limp as she stared directly through me and blinked slowly. I kissed the top of her head.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. You were innocent this whole time. I am so fucking sorry," I said with my lips pressed against her hair.

Darcy remained unresponsive. She just continued to stare over my shoulder while taking shallow breaths. I lifted her up and carried her into my bathroom. I ran a warm bath and placed her into it. My chest tightened when the water turned red as I washed the dried blood from her self-inflicted wounds. She sat with her arms cradled against her chest the entire bath, still not speaking or making eye contact.

Once she was clean, I drained the tub and scooped her out. I dried her off and dressed her in clean clothes then put her in my bed and gently kissed her forehead. I went to leave the room to fix her some food but saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I spun around to look and saw that Darcy had rolled onto her side and clung to her legs in a fetal position.

"I love you," I said quietly. I stood for a few minutes, waiting for a response. I watched her body rise and fall with each breath she took. I had given up hope and turned towards my bedroom door when I heard her whisper.

"This isn't how you treat someone you love."

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