Chapter 1

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I do not own the next step or the songs or dances from it all credit goes to the people who created TNS


Richelle was waiting for Ozzy in studio 1 so they could work on their duet, she finally got tired of waiting and marched to studio A to get him.
"OZZY!" She yelled
Everyone looked from her to him, she marched over to him and grabbed his hand and started marching down the hall to studio 1 as she yelled at him about being late.
"Ozzy you were supposed to be in studio 1 to rehearse for our duet 5 minutes ago!" She yelled at him
He couldn't hear a word she was saying cause he was too lost in his thoughts.
"Oh my gosh she's holding my hand, we're holding hands!" He thought to himself
They got to studio 1 to practice but Ozzy didn't let go of her hand cause he still had his head in the clouds.
"Ozzy you can let go of my hand now" She looked at him
"Yeah right" he said letting go of her hand
"OK lets get serious" She clapped her hands (once, you know what I'm talking about)

They practice their duet

(Picture that they are in studio one and Emily and Michelle aren't there)

"Oh my gosh Ozzy that was so good" Richelle explains as she hugs him
"Thanks Richelle, that means a lot coming from you" he says and kisses the top of her head as she lets go
"Don't kiss my head" She said
"Yeeeeee," She squealed "we're gonna do so good, I'm so proud of you" She hugged him again
"Thanks again Richelle,"he patted her back and they let go,"did I mention your hair looks really nice" he moved his eyebrows up and down
"Thanks, I think" she laughed making a confused face "that's really nice" she said
"I think Richelle is finally warming up to me" he thought to himself "I think I might finally have the confidence to ask her something I've been wanting to for a long time."

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