Chapter 6

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"So a fancy place would make you seem classy, but a casual place would mean you like to have fun" Izzy said
"Well I like to have fun" Ozzy said looking through his clothes for something  to wear "but I don't want her to think I'm imacher"
"Why don't you take her to a movie" She replied
"Oh my gosh why didn't I think of that, you're so smart Izzy thank you" he gave her a hug
"Thanks Ozzy" She smiled and him a small pat on the back
He put on blue t-shirt a gray sweater, some black sweatpants, white socks, and red tennis shoes
He felt his phone vibrate

Richelle: so where are we going

Ozzy: a movie

Richelle: which one

Ozzy: um Auther Cristmas
(If you don't get the reference watch the movie it's on Netflix)

Richelle: a Christmas movie it's January

Ozzy: your point is what

Richelle: never mind I can't wait pick me up in 30 minutes

Ozzy: ok

At Richelle's house

Richelle was sitting on her bed in a towel she put on white crop top, black leggings and white shoes she put on some light makeup and waited for Ozzy to arrive

10 minutes later

She heard a knock on the door she
opened it to see Ozzy waiting for her he walked over to the passanger side of his car and opened the door for her

"Madam" he used his hand to point toward the seat

"Why thank you" She sat in the seat

He closed the door and got in the driver's seat

They got to the movie theater/cinema they went inside and got their tickets

"Do you want any snacks" Ozzy asked

"Sure just grab anything" She said

He grabbed one of every snack two sodas and two big popcorns he turned around to find Richelle sitting at a table waiting for him

"Um do you need help with that" She asked him

"Actually yes please" he answered

She grabbed the two popcorns and they headed inside the theater
I'm sorry about the cliffhanger I needed to get something out and I've just been so busy with school and I recently rewatched Boxtrolls (great movie by the way) and so I've been focusing on how great the film is

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