Chapter 2

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Ozzy walks up to Richelle at Shakes and Ladders.
"Hey Richelle" Ozzy said "you look really nice today"
"Thanks Ozzy" She giggled
She looked back down at her laptop her textbook and her giant mountain of homework, she grabbed her head.
"You look really stressed, do you need some help." He asked
"I believe you" he said
"I'm sorry Ozzy, I am stressed I have a lot of homework I have to get done and I have a lot of cramps and I've been having mood swings." She complained
"Are you on your period" Ozzy whispered
"NO OZZY I'VE JUST BEEN HAVING ALL THE SITIFECTS!" She yelled "I'm really sorry Ozzy I didn't mean to yell at you."
"It's alright, do you need anything" he asked
"I mean yeah if you would do that for me" She said
"Oh Richelle I would do anything for you" he winked
"OK stop being so cheesy, here" she said scribbling something on a piece of paper and handing it to him "if you could pick up these things for me you would be the best"
"Anything" he said grabbing the piece of paper "see you soon"
He ran to the store about 3 blocks from the studio he got inside and opened the list the first thing on the list was a hot water bottle he grabbed one off the shelf and found a hot water bottle cover with dancing silhouettes on it so he grabs it.
The second thing on the list was chocolate he found chocolate bars so he grabbed 2.
The last thing on the list were pads, even though it was a bit awkward he picked them up for Richelle.
He payed for everything thanked the cashier and ran back to the studio.
"Richelle...I'm...back" he said in between gasps for air
"Did you run here" She asked
"Yeah I needed to get back here quickly" he said passing her the bag
She looked inside the bag and stood up to give Ozzy a hug "Thanks Ozzy you're the best"
She grabbed the bag and walked to the bathroom

10 minutes later

She walked back into Shakes and Ladders and sat down with Ozzy
"Hey Ozzy do you want to come to the library with me" Richelle asked
Ozzy's heart stops for a second but then he replies with a "of course"

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